The Classics Studies, Greek and Latin program is designed to provide thorough and rigorous training in ancient Greek and Latin, the principal languages and literatures of the ancient Mediterranean world and beyond. Our majors have found doors for them in a variety of fields: teaching, scholarship (including PhD work in Classics Studies, archaeology, etc.), and careers of all sorts. Specializing in one of the two languages, ancient Greek or Latin, students enrolled in this major take at least four semesters in that language plus at least two semesters of study in the other. Their program is rounded out with coursework in ancient civilization, history, culture, and so on.
Study Abroad in Ancient Mediterranean Studies
Binghamton University-sponsored study-abroad opportunities are available for Ancient Mediterranean Studies students in Rome, where there is a faculty-led program centered around Roman archaeology and art. Students interested in a study abroad program or an archaeological field school need to consult with the departmental Undergraduate Director, as well as with other faculty in Ancient Mediterranean Studies, especially for pre-approval of credit recognition and credit transfer.
Internships, Research Opportunities, and More
Internship possibilities may reflect your larger interests such as a legal, medical, government, or business, and could even include an archeological field school experience.
Study abroad is highly recommended.