The Master SVV VE course trains the next generation of competent executives in the fields of wine advice, wine legislation and research to optimize sustainable viticulture. This training responds to the current challenges of the wine industry, which strives to optimize cultivation practices that are more respectful of the environment.
This course is co-accredited between the Faculty of Marketing and Agrosciences of the University of Haute-Alsace in Colmar and the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, the studies take place within the two establishments.
The training is provided over two years. Part of the teaching takes place in Colmar, the other part in Reims. Students tackle all current issues related to the wine industry with lessons in the form of CM, TD, TP, conferences, outings to the vineyard and company visits. The teaching is multidisciplinary in order to best prepare students for their future professional life: Biology and Physiology of the Vine, Soil Sciences, Viticultural Strategies and Practices, Smart Viticulture, Phytosanitary Treatments, Legislation, Marketing, English, etc.