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M.S. u Kvantitativnoj Finansiji (STEM)

Fordham University, Gabelli School Of Business


Sjedinjene Američke Države (SAD)

Format studija


Jezik kursa

енглески језик

Oblasti studija



1 Godina


Master nauka (MSc)


Zatražite informacije

Opis programa

Kada smo se odlučili da kreiramo program Master of Science u Kvantitativnim Finansijama (M.S.Q.F.), nismo prepustili ništa slučaju. Od samog početka, kada je dizajn kurikuluma programa bio zasnovan na povratnim informacijama i inputima stručnjaka iz industrije, Program konstantno traži input od senior profesionalaca iz industrije i održava svoj prepoznatljiv fokus na primenjenim, savremenim, kvantitativnim tehnikama. Naglasak trenutnog kurikuluma na veštačkoj inteligenciji, mašinskom učenju, FinTech-u i računarskim finansijama odražava ovaj fokus. Neprekidnim optimizovanjem našeg kurikuluma u konsultaciji sa stručnjacima iz industrije, postigli smo izvanredne rezultate: 85 do 90% naših diplomaca pronađe posao u roku od tri meseca nakon diplomiranja. U roku od šest meseci, ta cifra se približava 100%.

M.S.Q.F. diploma Gabelli škole priprema studente da iskoriste sve veću zavisnost finansijske industrije od kvantitativne analize. Ovladavanjem veštinama u nauci o podacima, modelovanju, teoriji finansija, mašinskom učenju, fintech-u i programiranju, studenti se pozicioniraju da dobiju neka od najsloženijih i najkonkurentnijih radnih mesta u finansijskom svetu.

Rigorozni kurikulum razvija veštine u:

  • Derivativnim instrumentima i vrednovanju
  • Mašinskom učenju u finansijama
  • Modelovanju fiksnih prihoda i kamatnih stopa
  • Analitici velikih podataka u finansijama
  • Kvantitativnom upravljanju portfoliom
  • Upravljanju kreditnim rizikom
  • Tekstualnoj analizi u finansijama
  • Fintech-u/ blockchain-u

Informacije o Institutu

Fordham cultivates the next generation of business leaders.

Business with Purpose

What unites all of our academic programs is the concept of “business with purpose.” We educate students who plan to work at the highest levels of business, using their passion and strong sense of purpose to generate not only profit but also wide-ranging benefits for society. This is what sets Fordham apart. Explore our site to learn how high-quality academics, a global approach, innovative teaching techniques, and a focus on student outcomes—preparing students for the careers they desire—make Fordham one of the top places to study business in the United States and worldwide.


The mission of the Gabelli School of Business is to develop business leaders who are equipped for continuous growth in the changing global environment. Located in New York City, the commercial capital of the world, the Gabelli School is uniquely positioned to offer students the opportunity to participate in both regional and international economies. Its reputation will continue to be built upon excellence in teaching and scholarship. Students are enriched by a dedicated faculty and by the larger university community of undergraduate, graduate and professional schools and nourished by Fordham's intellectual and Jesuit traditions. Consistent with these traditions, the Gabelli School is committed to serving students in their lifelong learning endeavors.