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Izvršni MBA Program u Pola Radnog Vremena

Aston Business School


Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo

Format studija


Jezik kursa

енглески језик

Oblasti studija

Poslovanje, Poslovna administracija, Menadžment

Vrijeme studija

Skraćeno radno vrijeme


Izvršni MBA (EMBA)


Zatražite informacije

Opis programa

The Aston Executive part-time MBA is the next chapter in your career. Whether your ambition is to lead in international organisations or start something closer to home, the course will hone your strategic thinking, leadership capabilities and entrepreneurial perspective.

The best leaders have mastered the art of decision making and action based on critical thinking. The Aston Executive MBA will encourage you to think like a business leader from the start, teach you how to reflect on your career, perceive emerging opportunities, and develop a growth mindset. You will become enterprising in everything you do.

Discover cutting-edge leadership concepts and frameworks and put them into practice with applied exercises and real-life business projects. You’ll develop your ability to inspire and lead enterprises and be a force for positive change within organisations.

Informacije o Institutu

Aston Business School will be a global leader in bridging the world of intellectual discovery and the practical needs of enterprises and the professions.

Our goal is to enhance enterprise and enterprises. We develop individuals to perform better within enterprises and the professions, and to create successful new ventures.

We support business leaders in enhancing their organisation’s performance and growth. We advise policy-makers on ways to improve society and the economy. Our research creates new knowledge that furthers these aspirations. It is our particular aim to ensure that the opportunities we create are made available to all members of our society.

Slični programi

Executive MBA

IE University

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Poslovanje, Menadžment, Poslovna administracija, Upravljanje projektima

Izvršni MBA (EMBA)

енглески језик

1 Godina 4 Meseca

Saznajte više

Global Executive MBA

IE University

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Poslovanje, Menadžment, Poslovna administracija, Upravljanje projektima

Izvršni MBA (EMBA)

енглески језик

1 Godina 8 Meseca

Saznajte više

Ie Brown Executive Mba

IE University

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Poslovanje, Menadžment, Poslovna administracija, Upravljanje projektima

Izvršni MBA (EMBA)

енглески језик

1 Godina 3 Meseca

Saznajte više

Executive Master u Digitalnoj Transformaciji i Inovativnom Liderstvu

IE University

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Poslovanje, Međunarodni poslovi, Upravljanje projektima, Organizaciono liderstvo

Izvršni MBA (EMBA)

енглески језик

1 Godina 1 Mesec

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