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Доктор наук по образованию в области инженерного дела

University of Connecticut College of Engineering Graduate Programs


Соединенные Штаты Америки (США)

Форма обучения


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Предметные области

Инженерное дело, Образование


4 лет

График обучения

Полный день


Доктор философии (PhD)

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Описание программы

While there has been extraordinary engineering education happening at UConn since 1916, the field of engineering education is its academic study. A Ph.D. in engineering education from UConn will prepare students with the skills and competencies needed to conduct high-quality educational research in the context of engineering programs at both the pre-and post-secondary levels. Graduates from the Engineering Education program will be well qualified to work in academic, industrial, or governmental settings, and excel at identifying, creating, and expanding connections between engineering and the social sciences.

Engineering education is inherently cross-disciplinary. At UConn, which boasts 14 schools and colleges, students are encouraged to take relevant courses across disciplinary silos based on their research interests.

Информация об Институте

UConn College of Engineering is a powerhouse for research and engineering education in the State of Connecticut and beyond. We are the #1 public engineering school in New England, and we provide 51 percent of the State’s engineering graduates. UConn is designated by the Carnegie Foundation as an “R1” research university. This is the highest classification given for research and a distinction held by only 3% of all U.S. institutions of higher education.

Our graduate programs emphasize experiential engineering to equip students with the knowledge and skills that will enable them to one day find innovative and socially just solutions to today’s most complex challenges. We work with local and national industries to address pressing technological challenges and strengthen our manufacturing base.

We value entrepreneurship and innovation and our students and faculty actively develop startups and innovative technologies in support of economic development. UConn strived to address the major challenges facing our society through research initiatives in human rights, brownfields, cybersecurity, and other current issues.

General Overview

UConn College of Engineering is a powerhouse for research and engineering education in the State of Connecticut and beyond. We are the #1 public engineering school in New England, and we provide 51 percent of the State’s engineering graduates. We work with local and national industries to address pressing technological challenges and strengthen our manufacturing base. We value entrepreneurship and innovation and our students and faculty actively develop startups and innovative technologies in support of economic development. UConn strived to address the major challenges facing our society through research initiatives in human rights, brownfields, cybersecurity, and other current issues.

UConn is designated by the Carnegie Foundation as an “R1” research university. This is the highest classification given for research and a distinction held by only 3% of all U.S. institutions of higher education. Our graduate programs emphasize experiential engineering to equip students with the knowledge and skills that will enable them to one day find innovative and socially just solutions to today’s most complex challenges.

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