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Докторантура по инженерии

University of Alaska Anchorage College of Engineering


Соединенные Штаты Америки (США)

Форма обучения


Язык курса


Предметные области

Инженерное дело, Машиностроение, Электротехника, Химическое машиностроение, Аэрокосмическое машиностроение, Робототехника, Промышленное и системное инженерство, Ядерная инженерия, Инженерное деловодство


Доктор философии (PhD)

Плата за обучение

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Описание программы

Ph.D. in Engineering - Recognizing that many prospective Engineering Ph.D. candidates are at a point in their lives where moving their residence for one year is not feasible, UAA’s College of Engineering and the College of Engineering and Mines at UAF are now collaborating to allow Anchorage-based students to complete their Ph.D. in Engineering degree while remaining in Anchorage.

Previously, the program required students to reside in Fairbanks for 3 semesters. Under a new agreement, although 9 credits of coursework must still come from UAF courses, candidates may request a residency waiver, allowing this work to include independent study courses co-taught by UAA and UAF faculty or courses that are distance delivered to UAA.

Информация об Институте

At the University of Alaska Anchorage, you can pursue your dream of becoming an engineer or computer scientist while living in Anchorage--the business, industrial, cultural, and recreational center of Alaska. Located near all major Alaskan employers of engineering talent, 74% of our job-seeking students have jobs before they graduate!

As an undergraduate, you can pursue Bachelor's degrees in Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Computer Systems Engineering, Computer Science, or Geomatics (Surveying and Mapping), and graduate degrees in Project Management, Mechanical, or Civil Engineering. We also offer collaborative degrees in Chemical Engineering (with WSU), and Mining and Geological Engineering, and a Ph.D. in Engineering with the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

The Alaska Department of Labor has projected the state will need 300 new computer and engineering professionals annually through 2022 -- 96 new positions and 204 to replace retirees. UAA's College of Engineering is committed to producing cutting-edge graduates ready to energize the state's growing engineering community.

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