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Бакалавр наук по Инженерии

Trinity College


Соединенные Штаты Америки (США)

Форма обучения


Язык курса


Предметные области

Инженерное дело, Машиностроение, Электротехника, Химическое машиностроение, Аэрокосмическое машиностроение, Робототехника, Промышленное и системное инженерство


Бакалавр искусств (BA)

Плата за обучение

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Описание программы

The B.A. degree provides a flexible and interdisciplinary engineering experience for students who wish to broaden their learning horizons across disciplines in Trinity’s liberal arts curriculum. The B.A. is different from the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)-accredited B.S. degree.

It requires integrating engineering studies with significant study in such cognate areas as economics, international studies, environmental science, neuroscience, or public policy and law. Consequently, the B.A. provides a strong background for students who wish to pursue careers in public service, management, or entrepreneurship, for example. Its mission is to educate students to develop and convey solutions to multi-dimensional problems that require scientific, technological, global, and social perspectives.

Информация об Институте

We’re a preeminent New England liberal arts college, but you’ll find us in an urban setting. We’re nearly 200 years old, but we provide an education that is both relevant and timeless. We were founded in the Episcopal tradition, but we’re rooted in principles of religious and academic freedom.

At Trinity College, we believe in transcending boundaries. Defying standard definitions. Staying true to ourselves and going our own way. We want you to do the same. This is where liberal arts meets the real world. If you want to become an engineer and minor in art, you can do that here. You can chase a career in politics and also cultivate a love of biology. Our mission is to help you pursue whatever path you choose and ensure that you gain real-world experience along the way.

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