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Доктор философии (Ph.D) по Наукам о Пище

Selinus University of Sciences and Literature


Великобритания, Италия

Форма обучения


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Предметные области

Биология, Химия, Наука о пище, Питание и диетология


2 лет

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Доктор философии (PhD)

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Research in this area of ​​food science should provide data on how to provide the world's population with safe, nutritious, appetizing and affordable food. Achieving this goal requires an in-depth study of the issues of processing, packaging, distribution and evaluation of food. It involves many disciplines and uses the principles of biology, microbiology, chemistry, biochemistry, biochemistry, nutrition, physics and engineering to solve practical problems related to the food industry. Food scientists were among the first to work with biotechnology. Food scientists work with food from the moment it leaves the farm to the storage of the final product, including all processing, preparation and distribution operations. In addition, they determine the factors that influence the safety, nutritional value and acceptability of food.

Информация об Институте

Our university is an institution free and private. It is legally registered as IBC in the Commonwealth of Dominica and Italy as a permanent establishment. It is an independent international university exclusively involved in Online and Distance Learning education: in other words, an open university for adults who carries out their institutional work seriously.

Our adult students work very hard in order to obtain their degrees. This university is not and has never been a degree mill, and we will instantly reject such applications. Our main emphasis has always been to offer the highest quality of education to our adult students. Degrees conferred by Selinus University have been internationally recognized by the private sector and accepted by multinational businesses.

We never tire of explaining the reality system about the accreditation, especially for students from the USA. Earning accreditation in the United States is voluntary & nongovernmental. Schools request to be evaluated and/or have their programs evaluated by an independent accrediting agency. The agency sets its own standards that the school must meet in order to earn its accreditation, and since accrediting agencies vary in their quality standards, some are considered more prestigious than others. A school's choice depends on what standard of quality the school hopes to achieve and maintain.

Schools usually familiarize themselves with the agency’s standards well ahead of time and spend several months preparing for their accreditation review. If they pass the review and earn accreditation, it is an endorsement of their school as a legitimate institution of higher education that meets an acceptable level of quality. Some schools may include their accreditation status in the college information they present to potential students.

Just as there are recognized accrediting agencies, there are unrecognized agencies. This means that their standards have not been reviewed by the Department of Education or by CHEA. There are a variety of reasons why an agency may be unrecognized. For example, the agency may be working toward recognition with the Department or CHEA, or it may not meet the criteria for recognition by either organization. Whatever the reason, it’s important to keep this in mind when exploring college info.

It would help if you viewed unrecognized accrediting agencies with caution until you can evaluate their reputation. An unrecognized agency doesn’t necessarily have low standards of quality, but it is important to know that many U.S. employers only recognize degrees from institutions accredited by a recognized agency.

For this reason, our University only accepts students who are already established professionally. Our students use the degree not to find work but to legitimize their professional role, which is already engaged successfully. With a degree from the University, Selinus earns esteem, respect, and prestige and often improves one’s social standing and working.

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How to study at the Selinus

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The degree courses of Selinus University by distance consist in the study of assigned textbooks and production of Reports on the readings of textbooks carried out, according to the guidelines established by the Selinus and Pedagogical University that you can find in the link "pedagogy" of the web site of Selinus University.

Adult students can enrol in A.P.E.L (Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning) program. This program is reserved for professionals, entrepreneurs, managers, officials, writers, artists, etc. With a high school diploma and at least 25 years of age, and 3 years of activity Demonstrated in the study, they have chosen a branch. 30 years is required for the PhD.


The curriculum system of Selinus University of Sciences and Literature, is tailored to each individual student and is based on “teaching units” consisting of texts, handouts, and lectures, video courses, e-books. The exams are replaced by a short learning report (Examination Unit) developed as a mini dissertation.

According to the discipline of study, the study materials are chosen and selected to encourage critical thinking and practical application of the knowledge acquired. A pedagogical method is implemented to help students, adults, often engaged in work and family, think critically, and knowledgeably address the recommended books and video lessons on the one hand by increasing their intellectual capabilities and the ability to develop integrated writing projects.

An educational learning system without force that leads the student, followed by his Student Advisor, to carve out freely a specific learning program based on personal acquisitions to meet its time and achieve its objectives. In Selinus University, the student has no obligations to learn right away or before specific dates. He can read her texts and review each video lesson many times, discovering their own personal method of learning. Moreover, he can consult his Student Advisor at any time for help, clarification, support.

What is evaluated for the purpose of the curriculum is not simply information learned, because the evolution of thought the student beyond the simple view of the notional subject, must be above all a power of the value of conscience and awareness that the study is not simple processing of more or less useful notions, as a usable model effectively for their social needs, human and civil.

In short, the pedagogical model of Selinus University is to “bring” the real experience of the student in an educational context useful in improving the intellectual capacity and its global self-assessment of their potential skill so as to achieve their intellectual and professional goals rapidly.

The recognition of credits from the Selinus University is given in part by a “reading” of the professional critics of the student and in part by evaluating the report carried out by the student that replaces traditional exams.

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