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Докторантура по логистике и управлению цепочкой поставок

Georgia Southern University, Department of Logistics & Supply Chain Management


Соединенные Штаты Америки (США)

Форма обучения


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Предметные области

Бизнес, Управление, Управление цепочкой поставок


4 лет

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Доктор философии (PhD)

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Описание программы

The objective of the Ph.D. in Logistics and Supply Chain Management is to develop scholars who generate and disseminate new knowledge by conducting high-quality research and teach at the university level. The Ph.D. program is delivered via traditional course work and other research initiatives with faculty in the Parker College of Business. By retaining a residence teaching/learning model, the program capitalizes on individualized student development through constant interaction in a supportive environment of mentors and colleagues.

Информация об Институте

Georgia Southern University is the state’s largest and most comprehensive center of higher education south of Atlanta. With 119 degree programs at the bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral levels, Georgia Southern has been designated a Carnegie Doctoral-Research university and provides the classic residential campus experience and online learning options to nearly 20,673 students from all 50 states, Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico and 88 nations. Georgia Southern’s nationally accredited academic programs prepare diverse scholars for leadership and service as world citizens. A unit of the University System of Georgia, the University boasts 200-plus student organizations, outstanding Division I athletics, and state-of-the-art residence halls and campus facilities. Since 1906, the University’s hallmark has been a culture of engagement that bridges theory with practice, extends the learning environment beyond the classroom, and promotes student growth and life success. Central to the University’s mission is the faculty’s dedication to excellence in teaching and the development of a fertile learning environment exemplified by a free exchange of ideas, high academic expectations, and individual responsibility for academic achievement.

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