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Doutorado em Ciência da Computação

Toyota Technological Institute


Estados Unidos da América (EUA)

Formato de estudo


Áreas de estudo

Ciências da Computação e TI, Ciências da Computação, Engenharia de Software, Cibersegurança, Sistemas de Informação, Ciência de Dados, Inteligência Artificial, Engenharia de Computação




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Descrição do Programa

Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago (TTIC) offers a graduate program leading to a doctorate in computer science. TTIC is proud of its Ph.D. The program, designed to prepare students for academic or research careers. Graduates have gone on to tenure-track positions at Cornell University, the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, University of Edinburgh, and Purdue University and research positions at MIT CSAIL, Princeton/IAS, Caltech, Google, and Microsoft Research, to name a few.

To complete the Ph.D. a student must make an original and significant contribution to the field of computer science described in a Ph.D. thesis. In addition to the Ph.D. thesis, there are course and examination requirements for the completion of the Ph.D. Every TTIC student is assigned a primary advisor among the Institute’s tenure-track faculty. Besides, students have ample opportunity to work on their research with all TTIC faculty, including tenure-track, research-track, and adjoint faculty, and to collaborate with University of Chicago researchers.

Informações da Insituição

Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago (TTIC or the Institute) is a philanthropically endowed academic computer science institute dedicated to basic research and graduate education in computer science. Its mission is to achieve international impact through world-class research and education in fundamental computer science and information technology. The Institute is distinctive to the American educational scene in its unique combination of graduate education and endowed research.

TTIC was founded by the Toyota Technological Institute (TTI) in Nagoya in Japan, which is a small private engineering school with an endowment provided by the Toyota Motor Corporation. TTI established TTIC as an independent computer science institute with the intention of creating a world-class institution. There is a close collaboration between TTIC and TTI Japan.

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