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Bacharelado em Psicologia e Bíblia

Dallas Christian College


Estados Unidos da América (EUA)

Formato de estudo


Áreas de estudo

Psicologia, Teologia e Ensino Religioso

Ritmo de estudo

Tempo integral


Bacharelado em Ciências (BSc)


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Descrição do Programa

The B.S. in Psychology and Bible requires 30 hours in the Bible major, 39 hours of General Education, 30 credit hours in the Psychology major, and 21 hours of open electives. The Psychology major includes a three-hour field mentored experience (Internship) designed to apply classroom content to practical experience specific to the major. The area of the internship must have prerequisite study. The psychology major equips a student with the foundational tools in psychology and counselling from a biblical perspective. The B.S. in Psychology and Bible also offers several track options, including Brain Sciences, Christian Life Coaching, Human Rights, Organizational Leadership, Pastoral Care, and Sports Psychology. There is also a degree completion option for the adult student transferring in 45 or more hours, the B.S. in Psychology. Either degree prepares students to continue studies in graduate school. Students should note that any undergraduate degree in psychology is preparatory for graduate studies. NOTE: All licensing for psychology and counselling requires a minimum of a master’s degree.

Upon completion of the curriculum, the student will have mastered the following program objectives:

Know the history and fundamental history, development, and contemporary concepts and theories of psychology (Knowledge base in psychology);

Understand the scientific method and demonstrate relevant analytical skills (Scientific inquiry and critical thinking);

Evidence advanced understanding of self (self-awareness and personal development);

Articulate ethical and social responsibility (self in society);

Be able to appropriately synthesize psychological knowledge and biblical perspectives (Integrate psychological and biblical perspectives);

Demonstrate communication and helping skills suitable for service in both secular and faith communities (Application);

Be adequately prepared for graduate and professional training (Professional development).

Informações da Insituição

Dallas Christian College ( DCC) educates and mentors students to be people of influence, engaging in their calling to the work of Christ in the Church and in the world. We have created a unique blend of programs to equip you for your chosen field of service. There are only a few colleges anywhere in the world who can match this robust blend of educating and mentoring at the level which we have created.

The academic programs Dallas Christian College offers combine excellent professors, a strong biblical foundation, and opportunities for supervised experience. Our mentoring programs begin in the classroom and permeate all student activities, from academic tutoring and life coaching to spiritual formation and professional development.

This distinctive combination provides a dynamic environment where you will grow academically and spiritually toward a life of influence.

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