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Licencjat naukowy z projektowania mediów cyfrowych

West Liberty University


Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki (USA)

Forma studiów

Kampus uniwersytecki

Język kursu

Język angielski

Dziedziny studiów

Sztuka, Projektowanie, Projektowanie graficzne

Tryb studiów

W pełnym wymiarze godzin


Licencjat nauk ścisłych (BSc)


Zapytaj o informacje

Opis programu

Digital Media Design is a Division of Art major combining aspects of art, communications, business, and digital media. Students study with a variety of instructors with expertise in graphic design, photography, publishing, video, audio, animation, web design, marketing, and business information systems. Students develop a broad range of communication skills in visualization, communication, presentation, writing, and technology. These skills provide an excellent foundation for careers in publishing, graphic design, web design, multimedia, arts administration, copywriting, and specialist careers in the art, design, and digital media industries. Many classes will be held in the new Media Arts Center. Students will experience lectures, workshops, tutorials and project work. Opportunities for independent learning and internships will be readily available.

This degree broadens the scope of the Division of Art at West Liberty University, giving students the option to choose a Bachelor of Science in Graphic Design, a Bachelor of Arts in Art Education, or a Bachelor of Science in Digital Media Design. The Division of Art at West Liberty University is already comprised of accomplished faculty members, excellent facilities, a wonderful support staff, and students who care a great deal about receiving a quality education with an eye towards the future. The proposed degree program takes full advantage of the new Media Arts Center, giving students the opportunity to experience cross-discipline studies in video and audio production.

Informacje o uczelni

West Liberty University is a forward-looking, four-year public university steeped in a rich heritage as West Virginia’s oldest institution of higher education. Established as West Liberty Academy in 1837 (26 years before the state was admitted to the Union), it was created to respond to the need for higher educational opportunities west of the Appalachian ridge. The institution is named for the town in which it is located. West Liberty was so named in the late 18th Century as the westernmost point of the new liberty provided through the Declaration of Independence.

Mission Statement

To provide our students the opportunity for a high quality undergraduate, graduate, and professional education.

Core Values

Opportunity, Caring, Professionalism and Integrity, Excellence, Civic Engagement

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