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MBA w Specjalizacji Zarządzanie Ekoturystyką

Vatel Brussels & Paris


Francja, Belgia

Forma studiów

Kampus uniwersytecki

Język kursu


Dziedziny studiów

Zrównoważony rozwój, Biznes, Zarządzanie hotelarstwem

Czas trwania

1 Rok

Tryb studiów

W pełnym wymiarze godzin


Magister Administracji Biznesowej (MBA)


Zapytaj o informacje

Opis programu

In the 5th year MBA in International Hotel Management program, which leads to the International Hotel Manager's title, 11 specializations are offered to students who wish to strengthen their expertise.

Taught exclusively on campus, each MBA specialization has been designed according to structural and environmental criteria.

Subject to a well-argued professional project and an application file accepted by the student's home campus and by the campus offering the specialization, MBA in International Hotel Management students have the opportunity to complete their fifth and final year on another Vatel campus.

Because the tourism industry also has a role in sustainable development, the Ecotourism Management specialization trains executives capable of leading projects that take into account ecological, economic and social issues.

Students receive the theoretical tools to create, manage or develop an ecotourism establishment, supplemented by immersion in various ecotourism sites in Madagascar, which presents biodiversity and a leading geodiversity.

Informacje o uczelni

The first Vatel School thus opened in Paris with a unique and fundamental educational method: having theoretical courses followed by a professional experience using what had been learned in class. To achieve this, each Vatel School had an application restaurant and/or hotel right on the Campus where students could check their knowledge through professional application of it with real customers.

Vatel has 50 hospitality management schools located in Europe, the Americas, Asia, and Africa. They share the same mission: preparing the younger generations to build their professional futures in the international hospitality and tourism management industries.

Vatel has decided to: Teach management techniques based on two centuries of history in the hospitality industry, based on high-quality services and customer satisfaction. This includes all cultural aspects of clients, from the country where the hotel is located to its personnel; Convey the French art of hospitality, recognized throughout the world as a sign of quality, good taste, and excellence; Teach French in all non-French speaking countries where our Group operates.

We now have 35,000 alumni working throughout the world and are proud to call themselves Vateliens and work in the most beautiful hotels on earth.

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