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Magister Nauk o Zdrowiu

University Of The Ryukyus



Forma studiów

Kampus uniwersytecki

Dziedziny studiów

Nauki o Zdrowiu, Medycyna, Pielęgniarstwo, Zdrowie Publiczne, Fizjoterapia, Terapia zajęciowa, Żywienie i Dietetyka


Stopnie magistra


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Opis programu

The Graduate School of Health Sciences (master's and doctoral programs) aims to train leaders and researchers with a high degree of research capacity in the field of health sciences. The Graduate School of Health Sciences consists of two educational research fields, Human Health Development and International Island Health, which conduct unique educational research regarding health and longevity on Okinawa, physical, psychosocial, and cultural factors that influence health, the development of health resources, and advanced healthcare technology, and island health in the Asia-Pacific region. We also promote the globalization of graduate education by encouraging graduate students to present their research at academic conferences such as the Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health. Those who complete the doctoral course potentially work as researchers and leaders in universities, hospitals, laboratories, and international organizations.

Informacje o uczelni

Based on the philosophy of "Land Grant University", the university aims to be a "university that designs a prosperous future society together with the region" through coexistence and collaboration with the region, and at the same time, demonstrates the strengths of the university in new academic fields. As an international base for a certain Tropical Marine, Medical, and Island Sciences (TIMES), we aim to be a "university that will be an outstanding educational and research base in the Asia-Pacific region."

Podobne programy

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Francja, Hiszpania, Zjednoczone Królestwo, Polska, Holandia, Irlandia, Belgia

Nauki o Zdrowiu, Medycyna, Zdrowie Publiczne, Administracja Zdrowia

Stopnie magistra

Język angielski, Hiszpański, Francuski

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Zjednoczone Królestwo

Nauki o Zdrowiu, Nauki o Żywności

Magister Nauk Ścisłych (MSc)

Język angielski

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Zjednoczone Królestwo

Nauki o Zdrowiu, Psychologia

Magister Nauk Ścisłych (MSc)

Język angielski

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Queen's University Belfast

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Zjednoczone Królestwo

Nauki o Zdrowiu, Psychologia, Edukacja Specjalna

Magister Nauk Ścisłych (MSc)

Język angielski

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