In the Digital Narration: Game and Cultural Heritage Master’s Programme, you will create narratives and learn how they can be integrated into computer games and other new digital media, particularly in the context of cultural heritage. Upon completion of the program, you will have gained knowledge that will allow you to work within a broad range of occupations, as well as provide a basis for further studies at a higher level.
About the program
At the beginning of the program, you will have good opportunities to establish contact with an external client. This client could take the form of a game company, a research project, or a public body (e.g. a local, regional, or national organization working with cultural heritage). All courses in the study program can later be incorporated into a project, which will be conducted in collaboration with the same external party. If you should already have embarked on a game project together with other students, you are welcome to incorporate this into the study program.
The focus of your studies
The program begins with a creative project, which is ideally conducted in collaboration with an external client, and the course “Academic Perspectives on Digital Narration and Transmedia”. In parallel with this project, you will study the course “Narratives in New Media as an Area of Research”, where you will learn more about the relevant theories of this research area.
The final course of the autumn semester is “Academic Problem Identification in Production in New Media”, where you will take your work to the next level. Working within your area of specialization, you will perform a needs analysis and produce a prototype in accordance with the client’s wishes. The client is either an actual or a fictitious client, depending on the kind of project you have chosen to work with.
In the degree project of the spring semester, you will continue to gain a deeper knowledge of theory and methodology – ideally within the project and specialization, you began during the autumn semester.
Research within this field
Research within this field is being conducted at the University of Skövde.