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Kierunek Studiów Międzynarodowych

University of Florida


Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki (USA)

Język kursu

Język angielski

Dziedziny studiów

Nauki Polityczne, Stosunki Międzynarodowe


Stopnie licencjata


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Opis programu

Students in the major pursue a multitude of interests and opportunities while at UF. They will develop a working knowledge of a modern foreign language, and draw from a range of academic disciplines in choosing their courses, both topical and regionally-focused.

International Studies students participate in internationally-focused campus activities, and conduct research on regional or global issue in conjunction with a senior research seminar or experience.

They are encouraged to seek out experiences living and studying abroad, or working with an international organization focused on international issues to prepare them for international careers or graduate study.

Informacje o uczelni

The mission of the College of Design Construction and Planning is to improve the quality of the built and natural environments through offering exceptional educational and professional programs and research/scholarship initiatives that address the planning, design, construction, and preservation of the built and natural environments.

The University of Florida College of Design, Construction and Planning is the only college in the nation that houses design, construction and planning under one college.

The mission of the College of Design, Construction and Planning is to improve the quality of the built and natural environments through offering exceptional educational and professional programs and research/scholarship initiatives that address the planning, design, construction and preservation of the built and natural environments.

Podobne programy

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Nauki Polityczne, Ekonomia, Prawo

Licencjat prawa (LLB)

Język angielski

3 Lat

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4 Lat

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logo Università degli Studi di Milano


Nauki Polityczne

Licencjat prawa (LLB)