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University Of Evry Val D'Essonne - UEVE



Forma studiów

Kampus uniwersytecki

Język kursu


Dziedziny studiów

Prawo, Prawo karne

Tryb studiów

W pełnym wymiarze godzin


Stopnie magistra


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Opis programu

The training allows students to know the different aspects of the trial and litigation before entering a judicial profession (magistrate, lawyer, clerk) or para-judicial (judicial officer, litigation lawyer).

At the end of the M2 year, the student must analyze and respond to a contentious issue. The student will be able to research information, analyze the legal problem and write or have the necessary documents drawn up in the procedure's context.

It is a diploma with a professional aim of which the courses' diversity allows the students to acquire an absolute versatility.

The training leading to the Master's degree is spread over two years or four semesters in teaching units (6 teaching units maximum per semester).

Each year of the Master's degree is broken down into two teaching semesters, at the end of which examinations are organized. The training course is organized into teaching units.

Optional internship in the first year of the Master. Compulsory internship of 12 weeks minimum in the second year.

Missions carried out within law firms, bailiff offices, notary offices, corporate litigation services.

The training's versatile nature allows students holding this diploma to apply for a wide choice of offers: magistrate, lawyer, clerk, bailiff, litigation lawyer.

This Master's also constitutes quality training to prepare for a lawyer's competitive examination and a bailiff or clerk.

Informacje o uczelni

The University of Evry provides training in most disciplines (excluding health) from Bachelor to Doctorate. It is also developing vocational courses in close connection with the socio-economic world, which quickly raises it to the first rank of French universities in terms of the number of apprentice students in higher education.

From its start, it sets this double requirement. The first is international in scope: supporting our laboratories to be at the highest world level in their specialties while training generations of future researchers through research. The second translates into action our social responsibility: participate in young people's emancipation through higher qualification training and make them citizens and graduates, ready to integrate into society and the professional world, following republican principles.

The University of Evry is fully integrated into the University of Paris-Saclay as an associate member university. This university also associates the UVSQ (University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines), 4 grandes écoles, the Institute of High Scientific Studies, and 6 National Research Organizations. In the southwestern Ile-de-France region, its purpose is to build a world-class intensive research university (15% of research in France) and strengthen access to higher education for as many people as possible. The vast majority of our Master's degrees and all of our doctorate are now degrees stamped "Université Paris-Saclay."

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