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Doktorat w Naukach Kosmicznych i Planetarnych

University of Arkansas J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences


Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki (USA)

Forma studiów

Kampus uniwersytecki

Język kursu

Język angielski

Dziedziny studiów

Astronomia, Astrofizyka


Doktorat (Doctor of Philosophy)


Zapytaj o informacje

Opis programu

The program provides advanced coursework and research experience for persons seeking careers in the academic, government, private, or military sectors of space and planetary sciences or associated technologies.

Primary Areas of Faculty Research: Astronomical processes, geological processes on planetary surfaces, planetary atmospheres, mission instrumentation and design, astrobiology, applications to Mars, Venus, Pluto, and ice worlds.

Informacje o uczelni

Welcome to the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, the heart and soul of the University of Arkansas. Our college represents the university's breadth, depth, and excellence, with students from a wide range of upbringing, locations, and experiences. We have Sturgis Fellows, National Merit Scholars, recipients of various academic or talent-based scholarships, and students who are the first in their families to attend college.

The University of Arkansas is undergoing unprecedented growth, and if you visit our campus, you will see many signs of expansion, from new buildings to unconventional classrooms. This increasing population allows us to increase offerings to students, upgrade facilities and recruit additional faculty members. The university’s growth has also allowed the college to expand its offerings in interdisciplinary work.

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