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Studia Licencjackie z zakresu Stosunków Międzynarodowych

Universidade de Vigo



Forma studiów

Kampus uniwersytecki

Język kursu


Dziedziny studiów

Nauki Społeczne, Nauki Polityczne, Stosunki Międzynarodowe

Czas trwania

4 Lat

Tryb studiów

W pełnym wymiarze godzin


Stopnie licencjata


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Opis programu

The trilingual Degree in International Relations seeks to provide students with a comprehensive and interdisciplinary training, with particular attention to actors and issues of global interest such as the challenges posed by compliance with the United Nations sustainable development goals, cooperation for the development, the role of large multinational companies, or the management of projects and development plans of a public and private nature. Thus, it is oriented towards the study of a globalized world that requires addressing issues of intercontinental politics, global economy, public and private international law, cross-border market relations, movements of people and resources, the effect of human activity on the environment. and many other topics, with both a micro and macro scope. To deal with these challenges, expert professionals are needed who are trained to interpret and understand current societies, understanding international relations in different fields (political, business, legal, historical, etc.) and defending, in particular, certain values such as justice, solidarity, democracy or the defense of human rights.

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Stopnie licencjata


4 Lat

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3 Lat

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