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Stopień licencjata - Biologia

Stillman College


Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki (USA)

Forma studiów

Kampus uniwersytecki, Online

Dziedziny studiów



Licencjat sztuki (BA)


Zapytaj o informacje

Opis programu

The Department of Natural Sciences offers a challenging curriculum in biology or chemistry. In cooperation with the Department of Education, the Department of Natural Sciences offers courses that certify graduates to teach science in secondary schools. The department provides classes and support activities that prepare students for standardized tests required for successful program completion and entry into graduate and professional schools. Classes also are offered in the department for non-majors to complete general physical and life science requirements.

Informacje o uczelni

Stillman College is a liberal arts institution with a historical and formal affiliation with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). It is committed to fostering academic excellence, to providing opportunities for diverse populations, and to maintaining a strong tradition of preparing students for leadership and service by fostering experiential learning and community engagement designed to equip and empower Stillman’s students and its constituents.

Under girded with the principles of faith and ethical integrity inherent in Christian education, Stillman College will confidently pursue the best scholarly inquiry to produce graduates who will contribute to the 21st-century knowledge economy. Through continuous assessment and improvement, Stillman will deliver on student success, establish new partnerships, and serve our community, and as a result, will be recognized as a leader in higher education.

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