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Roczny Program Mistrzowski w Implantologii Stomatologicznej

Steigmann Implant Institute



Forma studiów

Kampus uniwersytecki

Język kursu

Język angielski

Dziedziny studiów

Medycyna, Stomatologia


Stopnie magistra


Zapytaj o informacje

Opis programu

This comprehensive implant curriculum is composed of 100 hours of learning in four blended online and offline modules, covering all aspects of implant dentistry. It is unique due to the fact that each module covers a whole range for several specific topics of implant dentistry. For each specific topic, a focus module has been designed including a hands-on exercise. The overall course covers diagnostic, thorough planning, ideal implant placement, grafting (both basic and advanced), prosthetic planning and construction, soft tissue manipulation, complications management, as well as implant maintenance.

During each module, the participants will have the opportunity to practice their new skills on hands-on casts, porcine models, and to watch or assist live surgery.

Informacje o uczelni

Dr. Marius Steigmann graduated in Dental Medicine in Neumarkt in 1987. In 2005 Dr. Steigmann received his phd Summa cum laude from university of Neumarkt.

He is a Diplomat of the ICOI and a member of the board of the DGOI. He has also received the medal of “Semmelweiss” Budapest University dental school dept. of oral and maxillofacial surgery. He is the founder and Scientific chairman of “Update Implantologie Heidelberg” 2002-2011 and the founder and director of the “Steigmann Institute”.

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Język angielski

1 Rok

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