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Magister Administracji Publicznej

Southern University Baton Rouge Nelson Mandela College of Government and Social Sciences


Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki (USA)

Forma studiów

Kampus uniwersytecki

Język kursu

Język angielski

Dziedziny studiów

Polityka publiczna, Administracja Publiczna, Przywództwo organizacyjne


Stopnie magistra


Zapytaj o informacje

Opis programu

The mission of the Master of Public Administration program at Southern University and A&M College is to provide quality education and training for graduate students and to develop leadership and management skills in public service.

The Master of Public Administration program at Southern University and A&M College will provide a quality program with a comprehensive curriculum, innovative research, and service opportunities that will equip its graduate students for leadership in public service

  • To educate and train public managers.
  • To promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in public service.
  • To apply the knowledge gained to public service.

Informacje o uczelni

The mission of Southern University and A&M College, a Historically Black, 1890 land-grant institution, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, is to provide a student-focused teaching and learning environment that creates global leadership opportunities for a diverse student population where teaching, research, service, scholarly and creative expectations for students and faculty are achieved through the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs offered at the institution via different instructional modalities and via public service.

The mission of the Nelson Mandela College of Government and Social Sciences is to provide quality academic disciplines that equip students with the knowledge and encourage critical and independent thinking. Our goal is to provide a premier educational experience that prepares students for life in a democratic society nationally and globally. This goal aligns with the University's mission.

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