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Stopień licencjata w Sztukach Sakralnych - Główny kierunek: Tradycyjne Naturalne Zdrowie

SomaVeda College of Natural Sciences


Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki (USA)

Forma studiów

Kampus uniwersytecki

Język kursu

Język angielski

Dziedziny studiów

Nauki o Zdrowiu, Medycyna, Żywienie i Dietetyka


Stopień licencjata


Zapytaj o informacje

Opis programu

Our Associate’s Sacred Arts degree can build a strong foundation to practice Religious Therapeutics, Natural Medicine, Traditional Indigenous Natural Health, Wellness and Counseling studies or to deepen your understanding of sacred and Spiritually based Medicine and Healing, the Associate of Arts Degree- Major: Traditional Natural Health program will introduce you to the key concepts, practices, wellness strategies, counselling, assessments, rituals and ceremonial themes of the practices of Ayurveda, Indigenous- Traditional Thai Yoga (ITTM), Yoga Therapy, Native American, Indigenous Traditional and Nature Cure and or Traditional Naturopathy. Our Associate's degree can enable you to explore the exciting field of complementary and alternative medicine and gain the knowledge to work in the alternative and natural medicine environment.

Informacje o uczelni

We are a unique combination of residential-style school/ healing centre and on-line college dedicated to the research, preservation and education of the three branches of Sacred Traditional Thai Medical Massage, Thai Ayurveda, and Thai Traditional Medicine as well as Yoga Therapy, Indigenous Traditional and Native American Medicine, herbalism and spiritual practice. The TYC offers in-depth, authentic Thai Yoga classes (also known as Thai Yoga Therapy, Thai Traditional Massage, Thai Massage or Nuad Boran) that engage students with a deep understanding of the richness of these ancient modalities.

Students attending classes at TYC and clients receiving treatments at our clinic will have an experience that is steeped in Thai culture, philosophy, spirituality, theory and history. Our SomaVeda® Integrated Traditional Therapies: Thai Yoga/ Thai Traditional Medicine and Massage programs have been on-going since 1983 with over 20,000 graduates.

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Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki (USA)

Nauki o Zdrowiu, Pielęgniarstwo, Administracja Zdrowia, Medycyna

Stopień licencjata

Język angielski

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