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Licencjat z Prawa Karnego

Simpson College


Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki (USA)

Forma studiów

Kampus uniwersytecki

Język kursu

Język angielski

Dziedziny studiów

Nauki Społeczne, Prawo, Prawo karne


Stopnie licencjata


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Opis programu

Explore the important issues of diversity and ethical decision-making within the criminal justice system

Studying criminal justice will take you through traditional law enforcement to modern-day global security. By understanding the operation of and interactions between components of the criminal justice system in the United States, you will be prepared for various careers protecting the safety of others.

Informacje o uczelni

Founded in 1860, Simpson has prepared generations of students for successful careers, graduate schools or service work. Our beautiful campus sits on 75 acres in Indianola, Iowa and offers the best of both worlds: a nurturing academic environment that’s close to the career, internship and entertainment options available in Iowa’s capital city. Most of our professors hold the highest degrees in their field, and they are committed to helping the more than 1,400 students achieve their dreams. Student life is exciting and fulfilling, with dozens of opportunities for students to participate, in everything from Greek life to intercollegiate and intramural sports. Simpson’s success in promoting quality programs and providing exceptional value has been recognized nationally by Peterson’s Competitive Colleges and U.S. News. This is a great college, and the more that people learn about Simpson, the more impressed they become. We invite you to visit and take a closer look.

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