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Magister Administracji Zdrowia

Mercy College of Ohio


Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki (USA)

Forma studiów


Język kursu

Język angielski

Dziedziny studiów

Edukacja zdrowotna, Administracja Biznesowa, Zarządzanie, Przywództwo organizacyjne, Nauki o Zdrowiu, Zdrowie Publiczne, Administracja Zdrowia


Stopnie magistra


Zapytaj o informacje

Opis programu

Mercy College is called to prepare healthcare leaders for changing times. Healthcare leaders need knowledge/tools to lead change within diverse healthcare delivery settings. Students will contribute to the body of knowledge related to the design, organization, delivery, evaluation, and leadership of health and healthcare systems.

The Master of Health Administration (MHA) program at Mercy College of Ohio is an online program, except for the required practicum experience for students with less than one year of healthcare leadership experience. The program is designed to prepare aspiring and existing healthcare professionals to serve or advance healthcare leadership roles. The program will encourage students to demonstrate an understanding of evidence-based decision-making within a context that values diversity and is sensitive to healthcare delivery's ethical implications. The program provides a broad base of knowledge so that graduates are prepared to lead in the value-based healthcare environment.

Informacje o uczelni

Mercy College of Ohio, a Catholic institution focusing on healthcare, educates and inspires students to lead and serve in the global community.

Mercy College, located in Toledo, Ohio, is a private Catholic institution focusing on healthcare education. Tracing its heritage to the school of nursing founded by the Sisters of Mercy in 1918, Mercy College of Ohio was incorporated in 1992 and now offers graduate, baccalaureate, associate, and certificate programs. In 2002, the College expanded to Youngstown, Ohio, offering the nursing program's associate degree. Students may also complete an Ophthalmic Assistant certificate using Youngstown clinical facilities. The College has experienced tremendous enrollment growth in recent years.

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