Set your future in motion with an undergraduate education that paves the way for you to attend medical school or diversity of graduate degree programs in the health sciences.
During this full-time, four-year program, you’ll work closely with faculty mentors who have years of expertise in both teaching and advising. You’ll complete the required prerequisites for medical and other professional schools through an interdisciplinary health studies curriculum that balances the basic and laboratory sciences with courses in the liberal arts. When you graduate, you’ll be well prepared to attend chiropractic, dental, medical, occupational therapy, optometry, osteopathic, physical therapy, physician assistant, podiatry, or veterinary school, or graduate education in nutrition, speech-language pathology, public health, health administration, or other health-oriented programs.
Mission Statement
The School of Arts and Sciences embodies and promotes the core values of the University through:
- Scholarship that creates knowledge, pedagogies, integration, and engagement in or through the many disciplines represented by the Arts and Sciences faculty;
- Interdisciplinary and interprofessional initiatives and collaborations that produce scholarship and public activities among Arts and Sciences faculty and in concert with other School faculties;
- Implementation of a core curriculum that integrates the basic sciences and liberal arts with professional studies;
- Commitment to and promotion of the values of general education, including the development of the whole person;
- Cultivation of knowledge, skills, and values that prepare students for lifelong learning;
- Development and application of learner-centered curriculum designs and teaching strategies;
- Assessment programming that systematically collects and uses data for curricular review and continuous improvement;
- Conscientious service to School, University, and professional communities;
- Collaboration with the Dean of Students and Student Affairs staff in the development and implementation of co-curricular programs.
The mission of the Premedical and Health Studies degree program is consistent with that of the School of Arts and Sciences but specifically cultivates and advances:
- Undergraduate preparation for successful advanced studies and careers in health and healthcare;
- Student engagement in community and university service-learning and volunteer activities that benefit others;
- Student intellectual inquiries and academic studies that encompass the biomedical, psychosocial, and cultural dimensions of illness, health, and healthcare;
- Faculty excellence in healthcare and health studies pedagogy, the discovery of knowledge across disciplines relevant to illness, health, and healthcare, and the dissemination and application of innovative pedagogies and new knowledge in these disciplines.