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Magister Sztuki i Zarządzania Kulturalnego

Leuphana University Luneburg



Język kursu

Język angielski

Dziedziny studiów

Dziedzictwo kulturowe, Studia Muzealne, Historia Sztuki, Sztuka, Sztuki Piękne, Marketing i Komunikacja

Czas trwania

1 Rok 6 Miesięcy

Tryb studiów

W niepełnym wymiarze godzin


Magister sztuki (MA)


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Opis programu

At a Glance

  • Degree : Mas­ter of Arts (M.A.)
  • Credit Points : 2 va­ri­ants (60 and 90 CP)
  • Length of Study : 3 or 4 terms ex­tra-oc­cupa­tio­nal
  • Language : Eng­lish
  • Study Places : 40
  • Start Date : September
  • Application Deadline : May 31
  • Program Directors : Prof. Dr. Sigrid Bekmeier-Feuerhahn , Prof. Dr. Volker Kirchberg

Developed by the Leuphana Professional School in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut

The Arts and Cul­tu­ral Ma­nage­ment Mas­ters to be run by the Pro­fes­sio­nal School and the Goe­the-In­sti­tut from 2018 is an innovative new English-language, professional, distance-learning cultural management program that will train cul­tu­ral pro­fes­sio­nals from all over the world to deal with transformation processes in the culture sector. Com­pre­hen­si­ve in­ter­na­tio­nal cul­tu­ral ma­nage­ment with a key fo­cus on the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary combination of cultural and business studies is at the cent­re of the program­. You will look at the risks po­sed and op­por­tu­nities of­fe­red by cur­rent de­ve­lop­ments such as de­mo­gra­phic chan­ge, di­gi­ti­sa­ti­on, and glo­ba­li­sa­ti­on in re­la­ti­on to cul­tu­ral in­sti­tu­ti­ons, and de­ve­lop long-term stra­te­gies to make your or­ga­ni­sa­ti­on fit for the fu­ture.

A Wealth of Choice: the Program to Meet Your Needs

We of­fer va­rious ver­si­ons of the Arts and Cul­tu­ral Ma­nage­ment Mas­ters to meet your specific professional development needs. You can take a 4-se­mes­ter cour­se worth a to­tal of 90 credit points or a 3-se­mes­ter cour­se worth a to­tal of 60 credit points, and choo­se from a ran­ge of man­da­to­ry elec­tives. The cur­ri­cu­lum in­clu­des a to­tal of three cer­ti­fi­ca­tes, and you can also stu­dy for the­se in­di­vi­dual­ly.

Distance-learning Cultural Management Program With A Focus On International Practice

A key as­pect of the Cul­tu­ral Ma­nage­ment Mas­ters is ho­n­ing your prac­tical skills. That is why case studies and projects in which you de­ve­lop so­lu­ti­ons to real sce­na­ri­os in glo­bal prac­tice are an in­te­gral part of the pro­gram­me. This prac­tical as­pect also gi­ves you the op­por­tu­ni­ty to rai­se and ex­plo­re pro­blems from your ever­y­day work. Stu­dents are the­re­fo­re not just lear­ners : you are an ex­pert in your own in­sti­tu­tio­nal and cul­tu­ral en­vi­ron­ment and sha­re your know­ledge of prac­tice with others on the cour­se.

Discussions, group work and interdisciplinary projects fur­ther pro­mo­te the ex­ch­an­ge of know­ledge, and teaching staff with experience in international roles and experienced culture managers from the Goe­the-In­sti­tut will pro­vi­de va­luable prac­tical in­sights.

A Wealth of Cultural Management Expertise for Your Professional Development

The Arts and Cul­tu­ral Ma­nage­ment cour­se is run by the Leu­pha­na Pro­fes­sio­nal School in close collaboration with the Goethe-Institut. The Goe­the-In­sti­tut is Ger­ma­ny’s glo­bal cul­tu­ral in­sti­tu­te and has ex­ten­si­ve ex­per­ti­se in the field of cul­tu­ral ma­nage­ment. It has a role both in pro­gram­me de­ve­lop­ment and in teaching on the Mas­ter of Arts in Arts and Cul­tu­ral Ma­nage­ment . This en­su­res the pro­gram­me’s strong link to prac­tice, in par­ti­cu­lar as re­gards the many dif­fe­rent con­texts in which cul­tu­ral ma­nage­ment ope­ra­tes glo­bal­ly.

At Whom Is the Online Distance-learning Masters in Arts and Cultural Management Aimed?

The Cul­tu­ral Ma­nage­ment Mas­ters is ai­med at candidates with the practical experience from the culture sector, for ex­amp­le as part of or­ga­ni­sa­ti­ons or as in­de­pen­dent ar­tis­tic and cul­tu­ral play­ers; at can­di­da­tes who want to de­ve­lop their ex­per­ti­se in cul­tu­ral ma­nage­ment, learn how to deal sustain­ab­ly with cur­rent op­por­tu­nities and chal­len­ges in cul­tu­ral ma­nage­ment, and ac­tive­ly dri­ve for­ward their ca­re­ers by buil­ding up their aca­de­mic pro­fi­le. Ap­p­li­cants should al­re­a­dy hold a re­le­vant un­der­gra­dua­te de­gree and pro­vi­de pro­of of pro­fi­ci­en­cy in Eng­lish.

Study for a Master of Arts in Cultural Management While Working

The dis­tan­ce-learning Arts and Cul­tu­ral Ma­nage­ment (M.A.) cour­se in­clu­des a to­tal of two block seminars in Lüneburg but otherwise runs online. This me­ans that you will pre­pa­re and re­view con­tent by working through cour­se ma­te­ri­al and using on­line learning tools such as We­bi­nars. Live on­line ses­si­ons will be sche­du­led in line with stu­dents’ time zo­nes so that are all able to take part. This will al­low you ef­fec­tive­ly to com­bi­ne uni­ver­si­ty with pro­fes­sio­nal life in your home coun­try.

An e-tu­tor and the pro­gram­me co­or­di­na­tor will be avail­able to help du­ring the on­line blocks.

Informacje o uczelni

In the course of its reorganization in 2006, Leuphana introduced a university model unique to the German academic landscape. By spring 2009, the following new academic schools had been established:

College: Award-winning bachelor's programme provides a variety of perspectives

The college is where students can obtain their first academic degree. Since 2007, the Leuphana Bachelor’s programme has been offering a homogeneously structured and interdisciplinary oriented programme of study. It is targeted toward students who are interested in more than specialised knowledge and who enjoy working independently and responsibly.

Graduate School: Combining interdisciplinary master’s degrees with doctoral studies

Since 2008, the Graduate School offers master’s programmes with a specialisation in the following three thematic fields: Governance & Law, Humanities & Social Sciences, Management & Entrepreneurship, and Education. The study model of the Graduate School offers graduate students the opportunity to intertwine their master’s studies with doctoral studies. Furthermore, we offer doctoral candidates from all over the world the opportunity to work and research in a vibrant, interdisciplinary environment.

Professional School: Continuing education and business outreach for professionals and corporations

The school offers programmes for continuing education and optimal conditions for lifelong learning (since 2009). The Professional School is geared toward working with adults who are interested in furthering their educational goals – ranging from those who have just joined the job market to senior managers.

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