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Licencjat w Neurobiologii

Knox College


Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki (USA)

Forma studiów

Kampus uniwersytecki

Język kursu

Język angielski

Dziedziny studiów

Biologia, Neurobiologia, Psychologia


Licencjat sztuki (BA)


Zapytaj o informacje

Opis programu

Not only do students work closely with their professors in a small, cohesive program, but they also take greater responsibility in their research. Seniors taking on research projects don't just handle a section of the research—they design, produce, and write-up their project from top to bottom in collaboration with a professor. And all students present their research; many go on to the Chicago Society for Neuroscience Meeting.

In true liberal arts fashion, students take electives with faculty in biology, psychology, and biochemistry, offering them a multitude of concentrations and research ideas. You might follow Professor Templeton into behavioral science, or study bird songs with Professor Mountjoy to more closely examine memory and the brain. Knox also offers a bachelor of science degree for those who want to cement their foundation in neuroscience and prepare for the professional and graduate work that they'll encounter ahead.

Informacje o uczelni

Knox College is a community of individuals from diverse backgrounds challenging each other to explore, understand and improve ourselves, our society, and our world. The commitment to put learning to use to accomplish both personal and social goals dates back to the founding of the College in 1837. We take particular pride in the College's early commitment to increase access to all qualified students of varied backgrounds, races, and conditions, regardless of financial means.

Today, we continue to expand both the historic mission and the tradition of active liberal arts learning. We provide an environment where students and faculty work closely together and where teaching is characterized by inviting and expecting students to pursue fundamental questions in order to reach their own reflective but independent judgments.

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