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Globalny Magisterium w Sprawach Publicznych: Lobbing, Dyplomacja Korporacyjna i Analiza Wywiadu

IMF Smart Education



Forma studiów


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Dziedziny studiów

Nauki Polityczne, Stosunki Międzynarodowe, Polityka publiczna

Czas trwania

2 Lat

Tryb studiów

W pełnym wymiarze godzin


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Opis programu

The Global Master in Public Affairs: Lobbying, Corporate Diplomacy and Intelligence Analysis is a comprehensive academic program of a markedly multidisciplinary nature, as it includes all the knowledge and tools necessary to train future generations of public affairs consultants and to provide them with ability to operate and develop projects internationally.

The direction and management of public affairs in its different aspects, such as institutional relations, corporate diplomacy and lobbying is an area of professional development in this sector.

In Spain, this Master promotes in-depth knowledge of public affairs and lobbying, focusing not only on politics, but also on business and the third sector.

In addition, it offers two closely linked to public affairs: public diplomacy and economic intelligence. Thus acquiring, after completing the master's degree, a broader vision of communication and political leadership.

They are knowledge of a vital activity of interest for decision-making, for strategic planning and for the management of public affairs and lobbying activities. Since this area of knowledge and professional performance uses concepts, processes and techniques used by the traditional intelligence services of the States and incorporates them into the world of business and companies.

Why study at the IMF School of Public Affairs and Government?

active experts

Faculty made up of plural professionals of reference in the field of politics, public management and international relations

Design your custom training

Create your tailor-made training itinerary, so that you can access the professional market fully prepared, becoming a leader in the sector

Visits of interest

You will be able to attend political events on radio and television, congresses and official institutions (European Parliament, Congress of Deputies, Senate...)

Access to practices

You will be able to carry out internships in institutions, companies, consultancies and political parties thanks to the agreements signed with IMF Smart Education

real networking

Expand your contact agenda within the sector thanks to all the activities proposed during the training

Informacje o uczelni

IMF is a national reference in training to businesses and individuals; attested by the more than 125,000 students trained. Our training is based on the diversity of areas and expertise of the subjects we teach. The quality and reputation of our services are guaranteed by entities such as the ISO 9001 and 14001, ANCED ( National Association of Distance Education Centres), and The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Today, in our catalog we teach subjects like Renewable Energy Occupational Risk Prevention, and Human Resources. We have private and official qualifications, the latter the result of the alliance signed with prestigious universities, Which allows us to offer securities regulated by the Ministry of Education. Students have the opportunity to select the mode they want to make your course and companies can choose to use our service management training bonus to process your credit. We rely on a team of professionals specialized in each area to provide tutorial and learning assistance to students, ensuring that at all times get a personalized, comprehensive care team.

Among our tools have an employment and practices of both our private customers and companies that can benefit from a meeting place in the labor market. We also have an innovative platform for online training, with over 250 courses available. We have developed custom work for companies like Acciona, Navantia, Adecco, Cintra, Iberdrola, EGMASA, Voice of Galicia, Etc. We also work with employers, social partners, and public administration to promote free training to specific groups and the unemployed. In short, we are an organization whose main goal is the satisfaction of our customers and for that, we have just found a way to get it: strive, every day, to give our best.


IFM's vision is to be an international leader in distance learning and online professionals in technical areas.


We want to grow with you. The aim is to ensure a high level of satisfaction for our customers through personalized attention and excellence in service quality. This objective requires continuous improvement in the technical and material resources, and maximum involvement of all staff training to MFIs is a different experience.


  • Make available graduate training, providing quality training at competitive prices.
  • Opting for new technologies to add value to training.
  • Physical proximity to students through our international network of offices and associated centers.
  • Personalized academic mentoring system. Motivated an extremely professional team.
  • Internal commitment to our team, establishing policies that allow professional development based on trust, flexibility, and self-requirement.
  • More than 150K students with a satisfaction of 98%
    • The employability of our students is 99%
    • International scholarship plan
    • More than 20 years of offering teaching of the highest quality.
    • Job and Internship Pool
    • Networking with professionals

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