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BBA - Rachunkowość

Hamline University


Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki (USA)

Forma studiów

Kampus uniwersytecki

Język kursu

Język angielski

Dziedziny studiów

Biznes, Księgowość


Licencjat z Administracji Biznesowej (BBA)


Zapytaj o informacje

Opis programu

In a world driven by financial statements, accounting majors are at the frontline of the business community. In addition to learning the language of business, our majors also learn to synthesize the numbers into meaningful financial reports, which are the cornerstone for how our free markets move efficiently. Accounting requires the greatest breadth of study of any business major, translating into a broad base for career opportunities.

Informacje o uczelni

As Minnesota’s first university, we’ve been empowering students to make the world better for everyone. With the spirit of a trailblazer, we led the charge to educate the state’s earliest leaders—before there was a state to lead. As we go boldly into the future, we take the lead once more as difference makers, innovators, and champions of justice, determined to do all the good we can.

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logo James Madison University

Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki (USA)

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