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MBA w Zarządzaniu Międzynarodowym

El Centro de Estudios Económicos y Comerciales



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Biznes, Zarządzanie, Międzynarodowe Biznes

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W niepełnym wymiarze godzin


Magister Administracji Biznesowej (MBA)


Zapytaj o informacje

Opis programu

With the aim of occupying a new dimension in the postgraduate training offer, the Menéndez Pelayo International University (UIMP) and the ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones (through the ICEX-CECO Business School) have programmed a new edition of the Official Program MBA in International Management (former Master in International Business Management) , within the ICEX Scholarship Program.

Spain is in an accelerated process of internationalization, which makes it necessary for our young professionals to acquire an international vision of management and become familiar with the techniques and tools that are its own, especially in the field of economy and business. The modern company needs to implement a global orientation in its culture and management and not set geographical limits either to the commercialization of its products and services, or to the purchase and supply of its productive inputs.

Business success depends to a large extent on the ability of managers and executives to manage in the most efficient way possible, and in conditions of global economic interdependence, the resources that the company, the institutions and society in general make available to them. . This requires professionals capable of facing new challenges and who know how to take advantage of the business opportunities offered by globalization.


The MBA develops knowledge and skills in advanced areas of international business management that will allow students, once they graduate, to be in a position to assume responsibilities in the field of management and direction of companies with an international vocation.

Its main objectives are:

  • Train professionals capable of leading the internationalization process of their companies and organizations (both private and public), designing, implementing and directing the process of opening new markets.
  • Train professionals with extensive knowledge of the environments in which the company operates, the international economic situation, the institutional framework and international standards and agreements, as well as providing a clear understanding of the processes of economic interdependence that govern the markets and sectors, and that affect the definition and effectiveness of business policy.
  • Offer the complement of practical professional training in foreign countries, to obtain an "in-situ" experience of the opportunities and problems presented by the various international markets and the real needs of companies that wish to enter them.


The MBA IN INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT is a postgraduate program consisting of 75 credits to be taken over 12 months (two academic years). The first 60 credits (which are taught and evaluated from October to June: 36 weeks without exceeding what is indicated in point 4 of article 4 of RD 1125/2003 regarding the duration of the academic courses) correspond to the structured master's own subjects in six large "Academic Modules" and a "Business Internationalization Project" carried out in a group, supervised and with a presentation at the end of June. The remaining 15 credits (which take place from July to September) correspond to the Final Master's Project (TFM) that will be carried out individually, supervised and that will be publicly defended before a court in September. Under no circumstances may the TFM be submitted for evaluation by the court if the student has not passed all the subjects.

The natural continuation of this Master is the participation of its graduates in the ICEX Internationalization Scholarship program (entity that is part of the Program's Study Commission). The selection process for this scholarship program begins with admission to this Master and these scholarships are awarded solely and exclusively to graduates of this Master with the best academic records. Thus, graduates have the possibility of carrying out 45 additional paid internship credits in the Economic and Commercial Offices of the Spanish embassies abroad. The realization of these paid practices, which are not part of the Master, will be reflected in the European Supplement to the Degree (as extraordinary credits).

Being possible to take this Master part-time, this circumstance would prevent students from competing, under equal conditions, with those who are taking it full-time, if they request to do the paid internships of the ICEX Internationalization Scholarship Program that are carried out after Finish your studies (it is an essential requirement of the Call for the ICEX Internationalization Scholarship Program, to have achieved an average of 5 points out of 10 in the Master's Degree out of the 75 credits of the subjects taken in the period October - September).


Module I: International economic environment (6 ECTS)

Code 100884 Fundamentals of Economics (2 ECTS) 100885 Country analysis (2 ECTS) 100886 Spanish foreign sector and EU policies (2 ECTS)

Module II: International business strategy (6 ECTS)

Code 100887 Fundamentals of business strategy (3 ECTS) 100888 Advanced strategy: cases of internationalized companies (3 ECTS)

Module III: Marketing and market research (14 ECTS)

code 100889 Commercial research (I) - Sources of economic and commercial information (On-line and face-to-face) (2 ECTS) 100890 Fundamentals of Marketing (2 ECTS) 100891 Commercial research (II) - Market studies (3 ECTS) 100892 International Marketing (3 ECTS) 100893 Support instruments for the internationalization of Spanish companies: ICEX main programs and policies. The Commercial Offices of Spain abroad (2 ECTS)

Development and international management of e-Business / e-Business: International implementation and management (2 ECTS)

Module IV: Accounting and finance (10 ECTS)

code 100894 Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance (On-line and face-to-face) (4 ECTS) 100895 Short-term international finance (2 ECTS) 100896 Financing of medium and long-term operations (2 ECTS)

Financing of investments and infrastructure projects / Project Finance (2 ECTS)

Module V: International legal environment (7 ECTS)

code 100897 International transport and logistics (3 ECTS) 100898 Legal environment - International contracting (2 ECTS) 100899 International Taxation (2 ECTS)

Module VI: Business communication (For international business) (7 ECTS)

code 100900 Writing workshop (On-line and face-to-face) (2 ECTS) 100905 Management skills (in English) (3 ECTS)

Sales techniques and commercial communication / Sales and customers management (2 ECTS)

Optional Subjects Module (1 ECTS/subject). The student must enroll in 3 of the 25 subjects of this module:

International Economic Environment Area

code 100907 Regulation and barriers in international trade 100908 Great challenges of the international economy (not offered in the 2017-2018 call)

International Business Strategy Area

Code 100909 Management and technology transfer 100910 International strategy for fashion chains 100911 Joint Ventures and strategic alliances 100912 Challenges and opportunities associated with Climate Change

Entrepreneurship and innovation / Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Marketing and market research area

Code 100914 Franchise export 100916 Profitable management of the international client 100917 Large distribution in the world: business models (not offered in the 2017-2018 call) 100918 Brand positioning and engineering: key tools for international competitiveness 100919 International brand creation and management: a perspective from Made in Spain

Tourism and internationalization

International marketing of engineering, construction and professional services goods and services

Accounting and Finance Area

Code 100920 Study of the cycle of an international project 100923 Location and management of international projects and tenders. International financial institutions 100925 Risk analysis and management of international projects

International legal environment area

Code 100926 International tax optimization 100927 Protection of industrial and intellectual property in the international market

International Human Resource Management / International Human Resource Management

Business Communication Area

code 100928 Business and corporate communication 100929 Tics and communication (not offered in the 2017-2018 call) 100930 Institutional communication (not offered in the 2017-2018 call)

Cod. 100931 Internationalization Project (in groups) (7 ECTS) - Presentation in June

Cod. 100932 Final Master's Project (individual) (15 ECTS) – Presentation and defense in September

45 additional ECTS credits for internships abroad: in the Economic and Commercial Offices of the Spanish Embassies abroad (in the second year and depending on the available places). For informational and unofficial purposes, these credits will appear in the European supplement to the student's title.

Evaluation and certification

In general, the evaluation will be carried out continuously through tests or exams in the different subjects and through the completion of the Internationalization Project (7 ECTS) and the Master's Thesis (15 ECTS) that will be defended before a court made up of at least three professors, at the end of the course.

Students have two calls per subject in each academic year and must complete all the credits of the program in a maximum of three years. Enrollment will be carried out compulsorily following the curricular sequence of the study plan.

The student agrees to take the degree successfully and to respect the academic discipline, the rules of coexistence and organization, evaluation and permanence regulations and other regulations of ICEX-CECO.

The student may be penalized and ultimately lose their right to continue the course and be expelled when they repeatedly violate the rules of coexistence and academic discipline, fail to comply with the established minimum attendance, fail the assessment tests that are determined or for any other reason. cause established in the rules of organization and operation.

Students enrolled in the Master's will obtain, upon completion and completion of the program, the official Master's Degree in International Business Management / MBA in International Management, issued by the Rector of the UIMP.


The course begins on October 3, 2017 and ends the week of September 24, 2018 with the reading of the Master's Final Projects before the court.

In general, students will comply with the following schedules:

  • Morning groups: Monday to Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.
  • Afternoon groups: Monday to Friday from 4:00 p.m. to 9:15 p.m.

These schedules do not prevent other classes from being scheduled at different times throughout the program, whenever necessary, to complete the student's training.


Admission to the Master's Degree requires possession of an official Spanish university degree or another issued by a higher education institution belonging to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) that authorizes, in the country issuing the degree, access to higher education courses. University Master's Degree, with special preference for graduates in Social and Legal Sciences, Sciences and Health Sciences, Engineering and Architecture.

Graduates may be admitted in accordance with educational systems outside the EHEA without the need for homologation of their degrees, prior accreditation of a level of training equivalent to the corresponding official Spanish university degrees and that authorize access to education in the country issuing the degree. graduate. Access through this route will not imply, in any case, the homologation of the degree, nor its recognition for other purposes than that of studying the Master's degree.

A) Access conditions for students of the ICEX Internationalization Scholarship Program

To be admitted to the Master and obtain the scholarship, as well as eventual access to internships in the Economic and Commercial Offices of the Spanish Embassies abroad, a rigorous selection process is followed.

ICEX annually holds a public call where the selection process and candidate requirements are described (

ICEX assumes the costs of this Master, except for the public registration fees , of all the students selected in each call and the remuneration during the internships abroad for those students who access the internship period in the second year.

B) Conditions of access for other students

Places may eventually be offered for an additional group of students not included in the ICEX internationalization scholarship program. Spanish or foreign students must submit, in any case, to a selection procedure equivalent to that carried out by ICEX and carried out directly by ICEX-CECO.

In the 2017-2018 edition, places are not offered for this additional group.


In its 2017-2018 edition, registration for the Master is only open to students of the ICEX Internationalization Scholarship Program.

Both the registration procedure and the required documentation must be consulted at

Costs and fees

The price of the 60 credits of the 2017-18 academic year, as well as the 15 ECTS of the Master's Thesis will depend on the resolution of public prices that are approved. These amounts will be paid directly to ICEX-CECO.

Informacje o uczelni

ICEX-CECO: A reference to international training

The Center of Economic and Commercial Studies, currently of ICEX Spain Exportation and Investments, EPE, MP, was created like business school, in 1976 as a tool of formation of the Spanish economic and commercial administration and that throughout its long history has As a public foundation, to various ministries such as Industry, Energy and Tourism, or Economy and Competitiveness, and to other entities such as the Higher Council of Chambers of Commerce or ICEX.

From January 2015 ICEX España Exports and Investments EPE, MP has integrated the activity of the Center for Economic and Commercial Studies as the new DIRECTORATE OF TRAINING (Which brings together both the ICEX-CECO activity and the ICEX Scholarship Unit), thus fostering the formation of human capital for the internationalization of the Spanish economy and promoting the training of public administration personnel, managers and managers. Companies, business associations and other public or private entities, as well as young people who aspire to develop in the future a profession linked to the international economy. Other institutions such as the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, universities, business confederations, export associations, consultancies, etc. are in close contact with ICEX-CECO, linked to collaboration agreements for the development of mutually beneficial activities and programs .

Since its inception, More than 20,000 students And continues today to forge professional leaders in the economic and commercial administration of the public sector and of the companies. In the last year alone, the center has taught more than 9,000 hours of training to more than 2,000 students.

Throughout these years, our internationalization students have been integrated as managers in the most internationally active Spanish companies. Foreign students have also passed through our classrooms, coming from more than 70 countries , Mainly in development or recently incorporated to the global economy, interested in sharing the Spanish experience of internationalization.

Rigor and Innovation

The ICEX-CECO programs are characterized by their Academic rigor , For its innovative and avant-garde contents, always adapting the new demands of training in a dynamic and changing environment, as well as for the application of an eminently practical and participative methodology, through the analysis of real practical cases and the development by the students , In the broader programs of internationalization projects of companies.

The objective of the ICEX-CECO is not simply to transmit knowledge, but to help its students develop their own capacities.

To this end, their teaching method is based on an efficient combination of theory and practice that helps students make decisions in their professional lives. The teaching process includes the active participation of the student, who learns the techniques, skills and strategies that will later apply in their future positions.

The center's programs are constantly expanding in different fields and in particular on issues related to business internationalization and the international economy.

As a result, the scope of the offer is also being expanded, seeking to bring the programs closer to the specific needs of companies and institutions, which are analyzed in detail to offer effective and contrasted training actions, through a rigorous control system. quality.

High Qualification Teachers

Undoubtedly, one of the main assets of the foundation is its faculty, which includes many of the best executives and professionals with a vocation and teaching both in the world of business and the economic and commercial Administration of the State.

ICEX-CECO has directors for each of its programs, and with around 200 teachers Attached to the different courses and seminars, all of them of the highest teaching qualification. They are university professors, engineers, bank and company executives, senior officials of the State Administration, psychologists, lawyers, economists, magistrates, tax advisors, consultants and experts in marketing and international finance, etc.

The professors' faculty brings together their renowned professional experience with a proven teaching experience in the center and in other academic forums.

ICEX-CECO, online

ICEX-CECO has a modern Virtual Campus that is used as a base of teaching activity in online and mixed courses and as a support in face-to-face courses.

The ICEX-CECO on-line metho- dology is based on a Tutorial model very close to the student , Which allows a permanent interaction of the teacher with each student and the students with each other, enhancing learning in a collaborative way and facilitating that knowledge is built not only from theoretical knowledge, but also from the interaction between students and the tutor expert.

The e-learning platform used by ICEX-CECO and which supports online teaching activity is the most used worldwide: Moodle. With more than 2.5 million courses and 30 million users it is used in many universities, business schools and companies daily and with high levels of satisfaction.

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