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Główny kierunek studiów w dziedzinie Rachunkowość

Drury University


Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki (USA)

Forma studiów

Kampus uniwersytecki

Język kursu

Język angielski

Dziedziny studiów

Biznes, Administracja Biznesowa, Finanse, Księgowość

Czas trwania

4 Lat

Tryb studiów

W pełnym wymiarze godzin


Licencjat z Administracji Biznesowej (BBA)


Zapytaj o informacje

Opis programu

Drury’s Accounting major requires 71 credit hours of coursework in addition to your Drury Fusion requirements. If a student pursues an accounting major only, they will graduate with around 124-130 hours. It is possible to complete this path in 4 years.

Students preferring to work for public accounting firms after graduation often choose to also complete the Uniform Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam. Students may take the exam after completing certain coursework and 120 college-credit hours. However, the certification is not awarded until a student has completed a total of 150 credit hours.

Drury’s accounting major provides all the necessary accounting and business-related requirements to take the CPA exam. The remaining credit hours can be achieved with any other elective classes to reach 150 hours. Many students pursue additional majors and graduate with 150+ credit hours (depending on the majors chosen). This would take 4.5 – 5 years or more to complete. Other students choose to complete the accounting degree and pursue a Masters of Business Administration at Drury University. Drury’s MBA 2-year program is 30 hours. Combined with the accounting degree this would allow a student to meet the 150-hour requirement for full certification. This path would take 6 years to complete and would provide the student with both a bachelor’s and master’s degree.

Informacje o uczelni

Founded in 1873, today Drury is a blend of academic and pragmatic studies taught within a collaborative and personalized setting giving students broader perspectives when considering matters of career, life, community, self and service. Here, you’ll go beyond.

Drury University, a small private university located in Springfield, Missouri, offers students a bold new academic experience – one that breaks the mold of single majors and rigid formulas most often associated with traditional education. Students receive a blend of life credentials and career credentials, allowing them to pursue their intellectual passions while giving them the tools they need to be technically proficient and career-ready.

Through this intentional combination of study in professional and non-professional areas, students will learn to be flexible, innovative and creative problem solvers. They will go beyond traditional education and thinking by blending career, calling, life, community, self and service.

University Mission Statement

Drury is an independent university, church-related, grounded in the liberal arts tradition, and committed to personalized education in a community of scholars who value the arts of teaching and learning. Education at Drury seeks:

  • To cultivate spiritual sensibilities and imaginative faculties as well as ethical insight and critical thought;
  • To foster the integration of theoretical and practical knowledge; and
  • To liberate persons to participate responsibly in and contribute to life in a global community.

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