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Magisterium online w Kierownictwie Edukacyjnym i Administracji

Cairn University Online


Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki (USA)

Język kursu

Język angielski

Dziedziny studiów

Edukacja, Kierownictwo Edukacyjne


Magister Nauk Ścisłych (MSc)


Zapytaj o informacje

Opis programu

The 39-credit Online MS in Educational Leadership and Administration degree program is designed for Christian educators who are interested in taking on a leadership role in their school or district.

The program can be completed in seven semesters if two courses are taken each semester; candidates who receive advance standing for Bible/theology courses can complete the program in six semesters as shown below. Online courses range in length from 7 weeks to 14 weeks. Courses with EDL or SPE prefixes each require 15-18 hours of field placement in a school setting.

Program Highlights

This program offers online coursework combined with extensive hands-on access to the life of PK-12 schools.

Extensive fieldwork allows students to gain experience in data management, budget development, daily operating procedures, and human interactions. Students will be able to complete academic requirements while still attending to their professional responsibilities at their own school site.

Students interested in obtaining Principal certification can pursue that certification concurrently with the MSELA program.

Opportunities exist for advance standing:

  • At the discretion of the program advisor, three to six credits for prior learning (“CPL”) can be awarded for students with extensive backgrounds in areas addressed by specific courses.
  • Advance standing may be granted for Bible or theology credits earned at an accredited Bible college, Christian liberal arts college or university, or seminary. Credits will be granted on a course-by-course basis.

Informacje o uczelni

In a world full of online program options, it can be difficult to know which college or university is just right for you.

Some schools hang their hats on their rock bottom tuition rate; others market how fast you can move through their program. And while you certainly want to find a school that is affordable and flexible to fit your busy schedule (we are both!), those aren’t the only factors to consider. Whether on-campus or online, a college education is always an investment—into yourself, your family, and your church.

Cairn Online is a distinctly biblical, Christ-centered education. All of our programs—from pastoral ministry to psychology—offer you professional preparation for your career and equip you to think critically about all of life from a biblical worldview. It’s an education that can be completed on your own time, wherever you choose to complete it: the army base, the mission field, or your kitchen table.

Wherever you’re going or wherever you are, we invite you to walk a different path with us.

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