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Podwójny Stopień Magistra na Uniwersytecie w Zintegrowanym Zarządzaniu Jakością, Środowiskiem i Systemami Bezpieczeństwa i Zdrowia Zawodowego oraz Magister w Zapobieganiu Ryzyku Zawodowemu




Forma studiów

Kampus uniwersytecki

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Dziedziny studiów

Nauki o Zdrowiu, Bezpieczeństwo i Higiena Pracy

Czas trwania

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Tryb studiów

W niepełnym wymiarze godzin


Stopnie magistra


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Opis programu

The master's degree provides the knowledge, skills and competencies necessary to be a professional specialist in quality systems, the environment and occupational health and safety, areas that today are considered three of the fundamental pillars on which to carry out a good business management, making the master a very competitive tool in the world of work.

The master's degree is coordinated by the Catholic University of Valencia and the AIDIMME Technological Institute, which provides the degree with a more practical approach focused on the problems and real needs of companies, having achieved a balanced teaching staff among university professors, professionals in the sector and representatives of regulatory bodies and public administration.

Internships in companies are compulsory and guaranteed, being, due to the way in which they are managed, training practices, useful, mostly remunerated and with a future due to the high degree of employability associated with them.

Blended methodology

The master's degree is taught in the blended modality, through theoretical and practical classes, seminars, visits, tutorials and practices, culminating in the completion of a Master's Thesis (TFM).

Internships in companies

The internships will have a minimum duration of 300 hours and a maximum of 1,460 face-to-face hours at the company. During this time the student will develop the concepts acquired during the course.

AIDIMME has a job bank for alumni.

The master ends in June 2024.

Informacje o uczelni

The Technological Institute AIDIMME , is a private non-profit association of national scope, whose purpose is to promote the improvement of the competitiveness of the companies through the ID and both in their productive processes and in their products.

Since its constitution, in 1987, it has been carrying out actions framed in the training field, whose objective was and is to train technical specialists capable of immediately joining the company and contributing the knowledge acquired in the interest of the continuous improvement of our productive fabric.

As a result of these actions, in 1993, an initiative was launched that, with the improvements and updates required over the years, has reached the present day, the Master in Industrial Wastewater Treatment and Recycling Engineering .

Years later, in 2002, in view of the existing needs of companies in the field of process management, the Master in Quality Systems, Environment and Occupational Risk Prevention Management was launched, a qualification for professional practice as Senior Technician in PRL .

In 2007 and before the new European university framework born in Bologna and the need to give these master's degrees official status, a collaboration agreement is established between AIMME and the Catholic University of Valencia - UCV , achieving the same verification by part of the Ministry of Education of both degrees.

In 2014 , AIMME and UCV propose the need to provide the master in systems management with an additional value, a differentiating element that improves the competitive situation of our students in the labor market. As a result of this analysis, a new Double Master degree is presented for the 2015-2016 academic year , which completes the subjects of the previous master's degree in systems management, but allows students to obtain two university master's degrees in one course:

  • Master's Degree in Integrated Management of Quality Systems, Environment and Safety and Health at Work
  • Master's Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention

Finally, in 2016, after a year of joint work with the AIDIMA technology center , the metal technology (AIMME) and wood (AIDIMA) technological centers merge, giving rise to the creation of the Metalworking Technology Institute, Mueble , Wood, Packaging and Allied - AIDIMME , renewing the agreement with the Catholic University of Valencia UCV and therefore, continuing with the collaboration in the university master's degrees, since then, AIDIMME - UCV .

AIDIMME -UCV master's degrees as Official University Master's degrees, allow students to apply for scholarships, carry out internships, continue with doctoral studies, obtain points in competitive examinations and are valid in any country of the European Union and comparable in any other country of the world.

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