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Comunicazione, Giornalismo
1 Anno
Full-time, Part-time
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Modalità di studio
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Comunicazione, Giornalismo
1 Anno
Full-time, Part-time
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Desarrolla las habilidades y adquiere los conocimientos para destacar en la competitiva realidad del periodismo multimedia actual.
El periodismo ha evolucionado a pasos agigantados debido al desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías y los efectos que tienen sobre el ejercicio de la profesión. Por ello, resulta indispensable formar a profesionales expertos, capaces de reunir en su perfil todo lo necesario para una adaptación continua a la elaboración informativa que exige el escenario actual multiplataforma.
El voluble panorama informativo actual exige expertos completos, capaces de desarrollar todas las etapas y dimensiones del proceso informativo . Desde la generación de contenidos ligada al análisis de la información con juicio crítico, pasando por el nuevo periodismo de investigación, hasta el desarrollo de estrategias de comunicación periodística, atendiendo siempre a las particularidades de cada plataforma o medio.
Resulta incuestionable que la irrupción y adopción masiva de nuevos canales, especialmente las redes sociales, ha cambiado la forma en que el público se informa, y el profesional de la comunicación debe ser capaz de entender de forma clara y profunda tanto el origen y la actualidad de esta realidad, como las tendencias y las vías de evolución y cambio que éstas marcan . Debe ser, en definitiva, un profesional que cuente con las herramientas, los conocimientos y las habilidades, tanto para operar con agilidad y voz propia en el volátil contexto actual, como para adaptarse a los cambios futuros.
*Programa Verificado, en proceso de implantación.
La Maestría Oficial en Periodismo Multimedia ha sido diseñado para formar profesionales como los que el contexto actual demanda. Para ello, ofrece un plan de estudios que te sitúa en el escenario actual de la información , facilitándote aprender tanto el uso de la tecnología punta necesaria para el ejercicio profesional; como adquirir las herramientas conceptuales que completen tu formación, para que puedas responder de manera integral a los retos de la sociedad del siglo XXI y destacar con voz propia en el competitivo panorama informativo actual .
Con este fin, recibirás una formación transversal, que responde a la realidad informativa, con las tecnologías específicas necesarias en el periodismo digital, que te permitirá desarrollar una completa comprensión del entorno tecnológico, del entorno social y de los nuevos públicos . Así, podrás aplicar tu formación de forma inmediata a tu práctica profesional diaria.
El programa está diseñado para que adquieras las competencias necesarias para ser un profesional completo y autónomo, capaz de trabajar tanto en un medio de comunicación, como de generar tus propios proyectos. Así, estudiarás las perspectivas y prospectivas del periodismo multimedia, desde la integración de medios y la estructura narrativa, hasta la visualización y análisis de datos . Además, te adentrarás en el análisis reflexivo del periodismo a través de la opinión pública, las nuevas audiencias y la deontología , que debe regir el ejercicio profesional y dar credibilidad a tus contenidos.
Para profundizar en el crecimiento y especialización profesional, la maestría te ofrece la oportunidad de optar entre dos orientaciones: profesionalizante e investigadora . Esta última resulta especialmente interesante, tanto por su relevancia en el contexto actual, como por la escasez de profesionales que la practican.
Con este título conseguirás:
En esta especialización te enfocarás en la investigación interdisciplinar en periodismo y comunicación multimedia. Adquirirás conocimientos en teorías y metodologías, así como pericia en la creación de proyectos de investigación.
Recibirás una formación especialmente centrada en las fases del diseño de un proyecto de investigación , haciendo hincapié en la forma de abordar la complejidad del enfoque interdisciplinar que requiere la investigación en comunicación.
En esta especialización, abordarás los distintos papeles posibles que adopta el o la periodista multimedia en las plataformas y medios de comunicación , tanto tradicionales con versiones multimedia, como medios nativos digitales, además de proyectos de emprendimiento que ejercen los periodistas autónomos.
The university sector is facing one of the most exciting challenges in its history, since the creation of the University of Bologna almost a thousand years ago. University institutions can not ignore the paradigm shift that the Internet has brought about in education systems.
Fascinated by the number of possibilities offered, at the International University of Valencia (VIU) we think that we are facing a unique opportunity, closely related to one of the basic features of any university, its universal nature.
Never before has it been so simple to spread and share knowledge or contrast scientific advances. The tools for online communication proliferate and, suddenly, the classroom becomes an open but personal space and the campus is a virtual meeting place for students from different countries and cultures who share the universal language of technology. of the comunication.
At the International University of Valencia (VIU) we are obsessed with exploring the new territories that digital development opens up for us. Never before has a university been so social. Where geographical distance, professional or economic needs coerce a student's university concern, the Internet has opened a door to quality learning.
How to miss this opportunity! If the role of the university is fundamental to guarantee freer and more developed societies, the International University of Valencia (VIU) is committed to developing its role becoming an international reference in the Spanish-speaking world. How? From what we have called the 7 pillars International University of Valencia (VIU):
These features have already made the International University of Valencia a leading institution in pedagogical innovation despite its youth, with the ability to think and act creatively but share with the more classical institutions respect for higher education and university character more traditional.
In this sense, the International University of Valencia (VIU) offers a catalog of university degrees and master's degrees framed in seven areas of knowledge: Education, Science and Technology, Health Sciences, Business, Art and Humanities, Legal and Communication where titles coexist traditional with the most innovative education, configured to offer our students multiple opportunities to improve their skills and technological skills and increase their employability.
Almost 7,000 students from 58 different nationalities opt for our exclusive digital methodology, a training concept designed to adapt quickly to changes in the labor market, optimize student resources and generate synergies with our network of collaborators at a business and social level. .
The cloister is the fundamental axis to design our university experience. It is a team, made up of active professionals and renowned academics, committed to our methodology and fully aware of the need to help students to value their time and resources.
Welcome to the International University of Valencia (VIU), a university today essential for tomorrow.
The International University of Valencia (VIU) is one of the leading online universities in the Spanish-speaking world, recognized by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports. Its system of Internal Quality Assurance is established according to the principles set out in the AUDIT Program of the National Agency for the Evaluation of Quality and Accreditation (ANECA), which are aligned with the criteria and guidelines of the European Higher Education Area.
The International University of Valencia (VIU) is one of the leading online universities in the Spanish-speaking world. With more than 6,900 students of 58 nationalities, the International University of Valencia (VIU) offers Degrees, Master's Degrees and Own Degrees in constant evolution with the aim of adapting to the new professional profiles and market needs. The faculty consists of more than 800 teachers who, for the most part, combine their academic work with professional activity, which allows them to have up-to-date knowledge. The university offers a personalized follow-up through a personal tutor, under its own methodology focused on the development of the student's competences, with live online classes and the possibility of interacting between teachers and students. In addition, all classes are recorded in the virtual classroom for later viewing.
We are a young university that shares respect for higher education with the most classical universities. A community of experts today, students and teachers, who feel that the current educational system needs to evolve.
The curriculum, the spaces, the tools, the roles and the infrastructures offer an opportunity for the value and creativity to design the new university experience.
Our teaching offer consists of degrees, master's degrees and master's degrees that we expand each year with the aim of always offering students a complete and updated training based on the training needs of the market.
The International University of Valencia belongs to Grupo Planeta, the first Spanish publishing and communication group of family capital. He leads a wide range in the service of culture, training, information and audiovisual entertainment.
Since the founding of Editorial Planeta in Barcelona, in 1949, the Group combines a solid business tradition with a great capacity for innovation and a clearly multinational vocation. The Planet Group extends its international vocation from a strong rooting in Europe and Latin America. The presence in more than 25 Spanish, Portuguese and French speaking countries projects it towards a cultural universe shared by nearly 800 million people worldwide.
Specifically, its training division, Planeta Formación and Universities, offers a wide range of specialized training ranging from university and postgraduate studies to professional training. The training offer is very oriented to the demands of the labor market and has a flexible methodology supported by new technologies.
The International University of Valencia (VIU) was created in 2008 by the Generalitat Valenciana as a private non-profit organization, giving the first official degrees for the first time in the 2010-2011 academic year. During this first course the enrollment amounted to 1,018 students. In 2013, Grupo Planeta took over its management by acquiring 70% of it with the aim of strengthening the international expansion capacity and completing the Group's commitment to university training. The International University of Valencia has grown in formative offer and has reinforced its international development. Today International University of Valencia (VIU) has more than 7,000 students from 58 countries, mainly in Spain and Latin America. The University is today one of the universities of international reference in Spanish speaking that teach the degrees through online teaching methodology . The 56 programs offered cover, at the moment, seven areas of knowledge (Health Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Science and Technology, Legal, Business, Education and Communication) that are constantly evolving to adapt to the needs of students and the market labor. This flexibility and ability to adapt is recognized today as an example of enhancing the synergies between universities, companies and public institutions in favor of social progress.
We are an open and inclusive community, with a strategic vision of university education and a philosophy based on training our students in the face of digital challenges and future work needs.
Our mission is to design a new university experience: an expansive quality chain, from the inside out, International University of Valencia (VIU) -> students -> world .
At the International University of Valencia (VIU) we work with educational quality from the core: teachers, methodology and formats, until we reach the students who will be the agents of change, able to improve current and future needs, expanding knowledge from Valencia towards the world.
Our vision is to be perceived as a quality university at an international level. We focus on growing in quality, in reaching a significant position as an option for national and international students.
Our values are:
Our quality is not in the what but in the how. In the optimization of resources and the effectiveness of their use. We are a university that wants to grow, in students, in teachers, in infrastructure, in markets. But with quality. Always.
Our innovation is in ideas. In optimizing to provide a greater benefit. As a young university, we encourage creativity and motivate the discussion so that the learning model becomes more meaningful. Universidad Internacional de Valencia (VIU) is not a university where you only learn a profession, your students learn to think outside the traditional frameworks.
Today, international is everything. We are all. Cultural and geographical barriers are blurred. It is in this context, in which the International University of Valencia (VIU) projects its own and contemporary vision of 'international university', beyond an idiomatic sense. A concept that focuses on an open, collaborative and global community.
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Executive MBA
1 Anno 3 Mesi
The University of Manchester
Regno Unito
Master in ambito umanistico
1 Anno
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