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Texas Christian University College of Education


Stati Uniti d'America (USA)

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Aree di studio

Scienze Naturali, Scienze della Formazione

Tipo di programma



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Descrizione del programma

The Ph.D. in Educational Studies: Science Education is distinctive and interdisciplinary in that it is designed with three foci: (a) the field of education (including science education & educational psychology), (b) educational research methodology, and (c) science content.

The science education courses, taught in the College of Education, are designed to increase understanding of current research about pedagogical content knowledge, the teaching and learning of science at all levels, national reform efforts, and science as inquiry.

The educational psychology courses are designed to help the student understand the learner and the application of psychology to education. The research courses, taught in the College of Education, are designed to help the students become facile in social science research methodologies.

The science content courses, taught in the College of Science and Engineering, are designed to prepare the student in the science discipline of his/her interest. These courses will be selected with the approval of the advisor. The School/College in which courses are offered will determine the readiness of students to take courses.

The Ph.D. in Educational Studies: Science Education prepares students who are qualified to engage in high-quality original scholarship and therefore has a strong research orientation. Recipients will have the knowledge and skills to assume (a) college faculty positions with responsibility in conducting educational research and in teaching undergraduate/graduate science education courses and community college level science courses or (b) district and state-level leadership positions in science education.

Informazioni sulla Scuola

The TCU College of Education prepares exemplary leaders for diverse educational settings and related fields who are reflective, ethical, innovative, and committed to all learners. We are committed to preparing individuals who will contribute to the creation of a humane and just society.

The College of Education (COE) aims to support diversity within our schools and community-at-large and reflect the diversity of the broader community within our students, faculty, and staff, as well as in our curriculum, programming, and community engagement efforts. Diversity involves a wide range of identities and perspectives including, but not limited to, race, gender, sexuality, socioeconomic status, disability, and religion. We affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every person and consider education to be a civil and human right as well as a public good. We acknowledge that diversity can improve educational outcomes and provide varied perspectives that enrich scholarly endeavors, enhance creative activities, and increase relevance within the educational community.

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