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Lingua del programma
Aree di studio
Scienze ambientali, Sostenibilità, Ingegneria
1 Anno
Full-time, Part-time
Tipo di programma
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Modalità di studio
Lingua del programma
Aree di studio
Scienze ambientali, Sostenibilità, Ingegneria
1 Anno
Full-time, Part-time
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In a world of intense change, organizations face multiple challenges, among which environmental challenges play an important role: climate change, scarcity of resources, energy transition, loss of biodiversity, health issues ... They need managers and managers aware of these challenges, both creative and solution providers, but also able to develop a forward-looking vision in the longer term, to accompany these changes.
The IGE Master, while relying on its scientific DNA and its engineering culture, is renewed today to meet these needs and train these new managers. It offers young graduates and experienced executives from different backgrounds to translate their convictions into new skills for companies, taking part in a one-year adventure, between testimonies and meetings, experiments and various collaborations: a unique opportunity to the students explore the possibilities to draw the world of tomorrow, and reintroduce this spirit of enterprise and inventiveness into our societies.
Diploma of Specialized Master MINES ParisTech of the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles; RNCP certification n ° 27061
Academic period of 6 months (October to March), 6 months of professional mission (April to September) leading to the writing of a professional thesis sanctioned by a defense, with 2 courses:
Place: MINES ParisTech, Fontainebleau campus and Paris
Academic part provided by many professionals and academics
Many projects supervised by professionals and research professors from MINES ParisTech
Created in 1992, 25 years of existence, more than 600 corporate missions
The program is organized in teaching modules, 4 main modules for all students, plus 3 additional modules for full-time students.
The main modules allow all students to acquire the fundamental knowledge and skills for a future transition manager; Complementary modules allow full-time students to apply this knowledge and skills through specific projects, while alternating students have their business as a testing ground
Targeted skills :
Understanding of the organization of a company around the issues of sustainable development. From the linear economy to the circular economy. Knowledge of the framework that is required of the company.
Skills targeted: to acquire an ability of analysis, to be able to approach a question in a systemic way IGE Master - July 2018 3
How to react to climate change? (Mitigation or adaptation)
Targeted skills operational project management, mastery of tools (LCA, carbon footprint),
Skills targeted to acquire a global vision of a problematic, to grasp the complexity, to be personally confronted with a problem, to be aware of foresight, to know how to communicate
Skills targeted operational project management, real life scenario, awareness of new business models and business creation
P1: Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project
The Environment is a field where initiatives and innovations are multiplying. The objective of this module is to know the framework of development of Entrepreneurship projects from conception, to financial, marketing and legal editing, and to experiment the approach on concrete projects.
P2: Communication Project
Communication is an important issue to sensitize, motivate and convince the various stakeholders during the implementation of an Environmental or SD project. The objective of this module, supported by 2 educational institutions of PSL is to make work together students of various profiles (engineers, Master IGE - July 2018 4 journalists, managers, academics) to investigate and produce communication objects aimed at reliable information for the general public.
P3: Territorial project
The territories are important actors for the implementation of the ecological transition: each territory has its own challenges and must define a suitable strategy.
The students will work on a given territory and will bring their reflections and proposals on certain aspects of the territorial strategy: energy resources, mobility, industrial ecology ....
The professional mission carried out in the host organization following the academic program allows the student to analyze a given problem and propose innovative strategies.
This transfer of skills in the company is done with a personalized coaching by the ISIGE pedagogical team. At the end of the assignment and to obtain a specialized Master's degree, the student must write and defend a professional thesis.
Dynamism, commitment, ability to convince, entrepreneurial ability, openness, creativity, empathy
Strategic vision, ability to analyze and synthesize, good general knowledge
Tuition fees € 12,500 - Registration fees € 800 Possible funding: professionalization contract or industrial partnership ARMINES
ISIGE - MINES ParisTech is the center of MINES ParisTech dedicated to the environment and Sustainable Development. Its ambition is to be a driving force for ecological transition and to promote a demanding environmental innovation.
Leader in the field of training in Environment and Sustainable Development, the ISIGE - MINES ParisTech offers three specialized masters.
ISIGE is a multidisciplinary center on environmental issues that combines expertise in engineering sciences, social sciences and natural sciences. To deal with the contemporary issues of our societies, be it questions of metropolisation, energy transitions, acceleration of climate change, transformations of industrial models, ISIGE strives to develop a grid of analysis marked by the environmental focus. In direct contact with the economic and institutional actors, the center aims to contribute to the public debate on the necessary changes of models of our societies to limit the anthropogenic (and material) footprint of our activities. It thus develops research and accompanies companies and territories around the issues of ecological and environmental transitions.
The multidisciplinarity of the center and its members allows to develop research covering various fields ranging from eco-design of industrial products to public policy challenges on the financing of urban infrastructures. The centrality of training within ISIGE has also enabled the development of a specific research axis around issues of transitions education.
The main areas of research and expertise are divided into four main areas:
Two other sections include ISIGE conferences as well as other more punctual projects on the margins of the main axes.
Since its creation in 1992, ISIGE has made opening up to society one of its priorities. We give access to the knowledge and knowledge that we produce because we consider them to be part of the common heritage. This requirement is reflected in the sharing of information with the general public at events organized frequently and throughout the year (conferences, seminars, etc.). In this process of opening up to society, we engage our students in communication activities for the general public and we invite them to produce digital content (articles and videos) to be found on our blog: http: // blog-isige.
List of the latest ISIGE conferences:
Università degli Studi di Milano
Scienze ambientali, Scienze dell'alimentazione
Master in ambito scientifico
2 Anni
Università degli Studi di Milano
Scienze ambientali, Sostenibilità
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Università degli Studi di Milano
Scienze ambientali
Master in ambito scientifico
2 Anni
Università degli Studi di Milano
Scienze ambientali, Sostenibilità, Agraria, Scienze Naturali
Master in ambito scientifico
2 Anni
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