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Dottorato in Leadership Urbana Innovativa

Bakke Graduate University


Stati Uniti d'America (USA)

Modalità di studio

Campus, Online

Lingua del programma


Aree di studio

Pianificazione territoriale e Urbanistica, Pubblica Amministrazione, Gestione della Leadership

Tipo di programma



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Descrizione del programma

In a world of constant change and mutation, God calls Christian leaders to be at the forefront of global decision-making influences and innovative processes. Those with this call provide a prophetic voice for leaders who work for harmony and peace amid the most challenging areas of our shrinking global village.

This PhD program aims to equip leaders at the highest levels as scholar-practitioners. Thus equipped, they combine the ability to think critically, research thoroughly, and analyze correctly with the skills to solve problems practically.

Being thus equipped, they will speak prophetically with power and authority. They will influence decision-makers, just as Joseph did in the ancient Egyptian court (Genesis 41:39).

BGU already offers two doctoral degree programs for practitioners. By adding a PhD program, we will be placing a stronger emphasis on scholarly research to strengthen practical problem-solving. The time has come to raise leaders who can fashion workable solutions based on first-rate research.

Informazioni sulla Scuola

Bakke Graduate University (BGU) is the place to learn the new realities of the global, urban world. A primary reason is our network. BGU is connected to and building on a global, urban, theological network created over 30 years by Ray Bakke and others. That extensive network gives BGU unique access to the thinkers, leaders, and practitioners in the global Christian church.

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