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Master en Recherche en Sciences de l'Activité Physique et du Sport

Universidad de Murcia



Format d'étude


Langue du cours


Domaines d'études

Sciences de l'exercice


1 Année

Rythme d'étude

À temps plein



Frais de scolarité

Demande des informations

Description du programme

The offer of this Master's Degree in Research in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences aims to cover the demand for professionals whose interest is related to research in any of the fields of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences. The transmission of the results obtained from the individual research or from the research teams integrated within our Faculty of Sports Sciences, will make it possible to consolidate the training of students with a high degree of specialization that guarantees a substrate of researchers in Sports Sciences. Physical Activity and Sports that could be integrated into the teaching staff of Universities, Higher Research Institutes, other similar centers or companies.

The Master's Study Plan is planned in such a way that the student does not remain in theory when preparing the research process, but also puts it into practice. For this, training in research methodology and research techniques must then be reflected and applied in the specific fields of specialization in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences.

The possibility of giving entry to the student's professional interest based on the object of their research, justifies that it is a Master's Degree in which all the Departments of the Faculty of Sports Sciences are involved, by allowing the Study Plan to respect to the maximum the scientific interests of the students, thereby enhancing the greater knowledge and specialization within the research profile that meets their expectations. In this way, the student who has completed this Master is also in a position to compete in the labor market since, by carrying out the proposed research work, the skills acquired as a researcher in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences of In accordance with your expectations, they allow your application as a specialized professional in a certain subject or sector in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences.

Our vision

The offer of this Master's Degree in Research in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences aims to cover the demand for professionals whose interest is related to research in any of the fields of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences. It is designed with the quality guarantees provided, and with the main purpose of developing professional-researchers specialized in each of the areas of the "Sports Science" sector, as well as being a preliminary step for the training of doctors in this field of science.

Our mission

It is an opportunity to give an extra point to your professionalism, uniting the "foot of the field" with the scientific field. Because during the months of the Master, different lines of initiation to research will be made up, composed of the latest trends in specialized teaching staff. Among these lines are: Training and Assessment of Sports Performance, Planning and Periodization of Sports Training, Game Analysis, Sports Initiation, Training and Health, Fitness, Spine and Sport, Physical Activity and Health, Sports Medicine, Sports Performance without risk of Injury, Exercise Physiology, Sport Management and Economics, Leisure and Recreation, Physical Education, Evolutionary Psychology, Applied Statistics, Nutrition in Sport, Functional Assessment of the Athlete, Sports Psychology, Motivation and Adherence ...

Our values

Dedication, Effort, Attention, Humility and Professionalism are the present values the entirety of this title.


The offer of this Master's Degree in Research in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences aims to cover the demand for professionals whose interest is related to research in any of the fields of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences. The transmission of the results obtained from the individual research or from the research teams integrated within our Faculty of Sports Sciences, will make it possible to consolidate the training of students with a high degree of specialization that guarantees a substrate of researchers in Sports Sciences. Physical Activity and Sports that could be integrated into the teaching staff of Universities, Higher Research Institutes, other similar centers or companies.

The Master's Study Plan is planned in such a way that the student does not remain in theory when preparing the research process, but also puts it into practice. For this, training in research methodology and research techniques must then be reflected and applied in the specific fields of specialization in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences.

The possibility of giving entry to the student's professional interest based on the object of their research, justifies that it is a Master's Degree in which all the Departments of the Faculty of Sports Sciences are involved, by allowing the Study Plan to respect to the maximum the scientific interests of the students, thereby enhancing the greater knowledge and specialization within the research profile that meets their expectations. In this way, the student who has completed this Master is also in a position to compete in the labor market since, by carrying out the proposed research work, the skills acquired as a researcher in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences in accordance With your expectations, they allow you to apply as a specialized professional in a certain subject or sector in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences.


To establish the competences of this master's degree, Royal Decree 1393/2007 has been revised, modified by Royal Decree 861/2010 as well as the following documents and projects prepared by Spanish and international entities:

  • Spanish Framework of Qualifications for Higher Education (MECES)
  • Bologna handbook
  • National Strategy for Science and Technology, 2008-2015 (ENCYT)
  • The White Paper on Physical Activity and Sports Sciences
  • Tuning Project: "Tuning Educational Structures in Europe"
  • Reports of the Thematic Network Project of the Aligning a European Higher Education Structure in Sport Science (AEHESIS)
  • Subject Benchmark Statements of the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
  • Competencies proposed by Council for Higher Education Accreditation

Basic skills

The following basic competences will be guaranteed as a minimum, and those others that appear in the Spanish Framework of Qualifications for Higher Education (MECES) (Royal Decree 1393/2007 modified by 861/2010):

  • That students have demonstrated to possess and understand knowledge in an area of study that starts from the base of general secondary education, and is usually found at a level that, although supported by advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects that imply knowledge coming from the vanguard of his field of study.
  • That students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and possess the skills that are usually demonstrated through the elaboration and defense of arguments and the resolution of problems within their area of study.
  • That students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of study) to make judgments that include a reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.
  • That students can transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to a specialized and non-specialized public.
  • That the students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.

General Competences

  • That the student is able to acquire the conceptual, procedural and attitudinal principles necessary to know and apply scientific methodology, in the different fields of application of the sciences of physical activity and sport: physical education, physical activity and health, sports performance , sports management and recreation and sports animation.
  • That the student knows the new research trends in the sciences of physical activity and sports and is able to propose new research proposals in their different fields: physical education, physical activity and health, sports performance, sports management and recreation and sports animation .
  • That the student is able to apply the specific research methods, techniques and instruments in the different fields of application of the sciences of physical activity and sport: physical education, physical activity and health, sports performance, sports management and recreation and animation sporty.
  • That the student is able to analyze and interpret the scientific literature in the areas of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences, both in the mother tongue and in the area's own research fields.
  • That the student is capable of preparing and defending scientific reports both in their mother tongue and in their own research in the area of physical activity and sports science.
  • That the student acquire the learning skills necessary to collaborate and undertake research with scientific rigor, in the sciences of physical activity and sports.
  • That the student be able to work in an interdisciplinary team, for the sake of better and greater multidisciplinary training.
  • That the student is able to acquire a moral and ethical commitment in the development of work as researchers and professionals in the area of physical activity and sports science.
  • That the student acquires the ability to solve problems, and make decisions effectively, with the aim of reaching quality levels in their training process.
  • That the student acquire the ability to work autonomously, promoting their independence in the face of new research challenges in the sciences of physical activity and sports.

Transversal Competences

This master does not have transversal competences.

Specific Competences

Following the guidelines of the Educational Reform and the guidelines for adaptation to the European Higher Education Area, the objectives that the student must acquire must be directed towards the acquisition of knowledge-related skills (concepts), skills related to know-how specific (applied knowledge), and with common know-how (instrumental skills). Therefore, specific competences have been designed for each of these areas.

Knowledge-related skills (concepts)

  • That the student identifies and differentiates the procedures and phases of the acquisition of scientific knowledge following the scientific method in the Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport.
  • That the student identify and differentiate the paradigms, areas, and trends of research in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences.
  • That the student is able to identify, analyze and differentiate the characteristics of the scientific method when it comes to studying the Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport.
  • That the student is able to analyze and criticize the methodological options that are presented in various research contexts, as well as to base their own decisions.
  • That the student is able to identify, analyze and differentiate the different designs and research techniques most used in the field of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences.
  • That the student is able to know the characteristics of the most widely used scientific measurement and instrumentation in the field of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences.
  • That the student is able to identify the different techniques of data analysis, both for quantitative and qualitative research most used in the field of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences.
  • That the student is able to know the steps to plan, organize, prepare and defend scientific reports both in the mother tongue and in the research of the area
  • That the student is able to know the different planning processes and phases for the correct design and implementation of a scientific work.

Competences related to specific know-how (applied knowledge)

  • Being able to carry out the various types of research designs most used in the fields of physical activity and sports science.
  • Being able to pose research problems considering the different paradigms, fields, and trends of research in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences.
  • Being able to differentiate and apply the different research techniques in the different fields of application of the sciences of physical activity and sport: physical education, physical activity and health, sports performance, sports management and recreation and sports animation.
  • Be able to differentiate and carry out the different data analysis techniques necessary to answer research questions in the different scientific fields of physical activity and sports sciences.
  • Being able to manage and analyze the scientific literature specific to the area of physical activity and sports science.
  • Be able to manage computer packages for the introduction and statistical treatment of the collected data.
  • Being able to critically assess and defend, from the perspective of data analysis, the procedures, results and conclusions that are promoted in any research report published in the sciences of physical activity and sport.
  • Being able to carry out scientific research individually and in teams in one of the fields of application of the sciences of physical activity and sport: physical education, physical activity and health, sports performance, sports management and recreation and sports animation from the rest of research ethics.
  • Being able to publicly defend a scientific report, mainly through the use of ICT.

Competences related to common know-how (instrumental skills)

  • That the student is able to master the procedures and tools for information search, both in primary and secondary sources in the Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport.
  • That the student be able to master bibliographic reference managers for better management of the scientific literature specific to the sciences of physical activity and sport in the English language and in other languages of significant presence in the scientific field.
  • That the student is able to apply information and communication technologies (ICT) in conducting research in the sciences of physical activity and sports.
  • That the student is able to incorporate new technologies and integrate knowledge from other professional and scientific fields into the sciences of physical activity and sports in conducting research.
  • That the student be able to apply to the different professional and scientific fields of the sciences of physical activity and sport (physical education, physical activity and health, sports performance, sports management and recreation and sports animation), the different research techniques most used in the area of physical activity and sports science.

Graduation profile

The graduate of the Master's Degree in Research in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences is a professional with knowledge in scientific methodology, documentary sources, communication, publication and evaluation of scientific quality, statistics, data analysis, techniques and research instruments in experimental, quasi-experimental, observational, selective and qualitative methodology.

In addition, our graduates will be professionals with a broader vision, since the acquired skills will allow the analysis, development and innovation of scientific methodology in the different areas of Sports Science (Physical Activity and Health, Sports Training, Physical Education, Sports Management and Sports Recreation).

Informations sur l'Université

A teaching institution of higher education that has infrastructure for teaching and research of international excellence. An innovative, dynamic, responsible university committed to its environment, which does not forget its historical roots.

Mission, vision and values of the Universidad de Murcia

The Mission of the university outlines its purpose or reason for being, and its Vision reflects what it wants to become in the future, the perspective of the University in the long term.

The Universidad de Murcia is a public institution of Higher Education with an international scope of action. Its purpose is to contribute to the development of society, acting as a dynamic agent in cooperation with the other social agents. Its main activities focus on the development of Research, Training, Knowledge Transfer, and Cultural Dissemination, applying innovation and continuous improvement processes to all of them, with the purpose of achieving a high level of quality of results, visible through a clear transparency policy.

Its main values, included in the Code of Ethics of the Universidad de Murcia , are Commitment, Dialogue, Respect and Responsibility:

  • The Commitment demands to assume the objectives of the University and adopt to achieve these goals a good administration and management, enhancing university social responsibility, overcoming personal and corporate selfishness to engage with others in university tasks and in solving common problems.
  • The Dialogue implies the willingness to coordinate reasonably and reasonably with others to cooperate effectively taking into account the positioning, interests or situation of each one, with the purpose of peacefully solving those seeking the right balance and consensus.
  • Respect implies treating all people with impartiality, deference and consideration, avoiding discrimination for reasons beyond their merits and avoiding prejudices, according to the consideration of the equal dignity of every human being as a supreme value.
  • Responsibility consists in honestly assuming one's own duties and obligations, and being willing to give an account of this to whomever corresponds, acting in accordance with the ethical principles personally assumed, being key elements goodwill, coherence and exemplary practice.

These values are in turn identified with the defense and promotion of Human Rights, universal accessibility, equality between men and women, the culture of peace and democratic values, participation, interdisciplinarity, pluralism, defense of the environment. and sustainability.

10 reasons to choose the UMU

1. Why UMU?

Centennial University strategically positioned in the present and prepared for the future

The Universidad de Murcia (UMU) is an international institution with more than one hundred years old, whose origins date back to the thirteenth century. It has more than 30,000 students (2,000 of them international), 3,000 researchers and professors and more than 1,200 administration employees.

2. Multidisciplinary offer of studies

60 degrees, 72 masters and 36 doctorates

The UMU is a public and comprehensive university that offers 60 degree programs - 5 double degrees -, 72 master's degrees and 36 doctoral degrees in the fields of Arts and Humanities, Engineering, Health Sciences, Sciences, Social Sciences and Law.

3. Bet on quality education

Quality recognition in university centers and services

The Universidad de Murcia focuses on academic excellence and plays a very important role in research (350 research groups, 4 institutes and research centers), teaching and innovation in all areas of knowledge. In addition, it works closely with national and international companies.

4. Leading the way in digital technology, cybersecurity and artificial intelligence

Leading European Commission projects for research and innovation in cybersecurity

It offers a wide range of services, such as "Lola Chatbot", with artificial intelligence to help students choose their studies and answer questions in the admission process.

5. Connection with the labor market

More than 75% of students get an occupation after finishing the degree

UMU students have the opportunity to pursue intellectual development as well as to acquire professional skills.

6. University open to the world, with more than 2,000 students making international mobility plans

7 bilingual Spanish-English programs and students of more than 50 nationalities

Our institution offers 4 degree courses in English (Law, Business Management and Administration, Primary Education, and English Studies), and 3 postgraduate programs (Biology and Technology of Mammalian Reproduction, New Technologies in Computer Science, and Physics).

7. Satisfaction of international students

Located among the best rated universities in Europe by students

The International Welcome Point at the UMU (International Welcome Point - IWP) provides information on issues such as the admission procedure, obtaining accommodation and legalization.

8. Commitment to society

Attention to diversity and equal opportunities between women and men

UMU is the second university in Spain that integrates a greater number of students with disabilities. Through its Service of Attention to Diversity and Volunteering, it participates in the "Inclusive Campus Program: Campus without limits" funded by the Government of Spain, ONCE and the REPSOL Foundation.

9. Commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Project best valued in terms of sustainable development

ODSessions is the project that the Universidad de Murcia is developing for the promotion and awareness of the 17 sustainable development goals of the United Nations. Until April 2021, the UMU will dedicate one month to each of these objectives with dissemination, recreational, training and solidarity activities.

10. Murcia, a city for students

Quality of life in a unique environment in the Mediterranean

Located in the southeast of Spain, the city of Murcia benefits from an excellent location, low cost of living and a great variety in the cultural and tourist offer. In its squares and terraces you can discover a quiet and friendly city for students. With about half a million inhabitants, it is the seventh city in Spain.

Ethical code

In order to transform the University into the most fair and honest version possible, the Code of Ethics of the Universidad de Murcia was approved in 2016, prepared after a process in which all the groups that are part of it collaborated.

The four fundamental values on which it is based, Commitment, Dialogue, Respect and Responsibility, should guide all the actions and relationships of the university community. Therefore, it is our priority to disseminate the Code of Ethics at all levels of the Universidad de Murcia , also seeking their full understanding and implementation.

Its effective compliance will be supervised by the Code of Ethics Monitoring Commission (CSCE), established on September 4, 2018. This is made up of people from different areas of the university community and experts:

  • Antonio José Carrasco Hernández. Campus Infrastructure Coordinator
  • Carmen Sánchez Trigueros. Director of the Unit for Equality between Women and Men
  • Emilio Martínez Navarro. Responsible for the elaboration of the Code of Ethics
  • Francisco Esquembre Martínez. Vice Chancellor for Research and Transfer
  • José Antonio Cascales Saseta. Manager
  • José Ramón Salcedo Hernández. Director of the Bioright Law Master: Law, Ethics and Science
  • Juan José Vera Martínez. University Advocate
  • Longinos Marín Rives. Vice Chancellor for Social Responsibility and Transparency
  • Bald Pigeon. Vice Chancellor of Students and Services to the University Community
  • José Miguel Rojo Martínez. Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Student Council of the Universidad de Murcia

Since its creation, the CSCE has organized both virtual and physical distribution of the Code of Ethics. Currently, all the buildings of the Universidad de Murcia , not only the faculties, but also those destined for the staff, have one or two dispensers with copies of the Code of Ethics, which are being replaced.

In addition, all the new workers of the Universidad de Murcia now receive the Code of Ethics in the Human Resources Area.

Other actions related to the dissemination of the Code of Ethics have been the giving of lectures on it to new students of some Faculties that required it, by Professor Emilio Martínez Navarro, or the appointment of classrooms as the values of the Code of Ethics, such as the Respect Room of the Faculty of Sports Sciences.

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