The Department of English, General Literature, and Rhetoric provides students the opportunity to study literature and language in their many manifestations. In addition to an English major, the department offers coursework in globalization and culture. Literature courses provide undergraduates with a foundation in literary history as well as an opportunity to explore a variety of genres while fostering critical reading and research skills; courses in globalization and culture explore cultural and literary responses to the emergence of global culture and the questions raised by this process; creative writing courses hone students' writing abilities and develop their unique voices; rhetoric courses deal with both the theory and practice of communication, as well as the history of oral and written argument.
Internships, Research Opportunities, and More
- English Department Internship Program
- Semester in London
The honors program in English consists of two courses taken in the student’s senior year: ENG 498, Honors Seminar; and ENG (RHET) 499, Honors Thesis (CW 499, Honors Portfolio). The designation of honors in English is awarded to students who receive at least a B+ grade in the Honors Seminar and at least an A– in the Honors Thesis or Portfolio.
In the major in English, the two honors courses take the place of two advanced electives. Majors concentrating in rhetoric or creative writing should consult the undergraduate director about how the honors courses may be substituted in their curricula.
Admission to the honors program is by invitation, limited to about 20 students per year, with preference given to students who have completed substantial coursework at Binghamton with the highest grade-point average. The program director may solicit a sample of the student’s written work in an English course and other information.
Accelerated/4+1 Degrees
You may also be interested in our accelerated/4+1 degree programs which allow students to complete their bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in just 5 years!