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Grado en Ciencias de la Computación

Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca


Formato de estudio


Idioma del programa


Áreas de estudio

Física, Matemática, Informática, Inteligencia Artificial


2 Años

Ritmo de estudio

A tiempo completo


Licenciatura en Ciencias

Costos de Matriculación

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Descripción del programa

El Grado en Informática ofrece una formación básica en informática, incluyendo algoritmos y desarrollo de software, aplicaciones web e interfaces de usuario. El programa incluye cursos en: arquitectura de computadoras, sistemas operativos y redes, programación, lenguajes formales y computabilidad, algoritmos, probabilidad y estadística, bases de datos, sistemas distribuidos, ingeniería de software, investigación operativa, y opcionalmente: procesamiento multimedia, seguridad informática, bioinformática, robótica, interacción humano-computadora, métodos formales, inteligencia empresarial. Proporciona a los graduados una sólida formación cultural en relación con las computadoras y cómo desarrollar soluciones utilizando software y redes. Incluyendo la pasantía final y el ensayo requeridos, los estudiantes completan un total de 180 ECTS.

Requisitos de admisión

La admisión al curso requiere realizar la prueba CISIA TOLC-S y registrarse para la competencia en Segreterie OnLine, antes de la fecha límite especificada en el aviso de admisión.

Oportunidades laborales

Los graduados tendrán una sólida formación cultural en lo que respecta a las computadoras y cómo desarrollar soluciones utilizando software y redes, y desarrollarán carreras como desarrolladores de software, educadores, consultores y administradores de sistemas.

Detalles de la institución

Bicocca is a young university that will connect you with students from all over the world. You will not just be a student here. You will be a member of the global community. Since its foundation, the University of Milano-Bicocca has reached beyond its borders entering into various agreements with European and non-European universities.

Research is always global. Our teachers are members of international research groups that share numerous projects and initiatives, with a common commitment to increase the quality of teaching. Our focus on innovation offers students competitive and practical training

Our tradition

At Bicocca, we’re always changing with the world around us, combining scientific rigour with a capacity to evolve as we tackle new challenges and strive for higher goals. Quite simply, Bicocca is a way of life.

Students, teachers and staff members share the common aim of wanting to maintain Bicocca’s leading role in education, ethics, respect, skills and expertise. Together, we have built a stimulating and open environment where we can fuel passions, skills and knowledge. Bicocca isn’t just about education - it’s also about commitment, culture, knowledge, technology, hard work, and success.

Bicocca is more than a university.

Mission & Vision

Through our broad and rich educational offerings, we aim to allow students to find their real vocation, advance their own interests, take a critical look and acquire skills and solid know-how to build their profession.

Excellent teaching, excellent research, and high-quality service place focus on the individual, as the pillars of a modern, future-oriented university.

Our university teaches its students to seize the world’s opportunities and not to be frightened to confront them and put themselves out there. It is an inclusive university that shares, respects and protects diversity, as one of its main values.

Bicocca is a leader in local and international cultural development.