The Bachelor of Science in Logistics is a program designed to meet the educational and professional needs of students who wish to pursue careers in operations and/or industrial management with emphasis on logistical processes, systems, and functions. The program focuses on the study of theories, concepts, practices, and techniques in both general management and the management of logistics systems. In addition, the program is designed to provide the student with the necessary preparation for graduate work in business administration and to assist with further advanced study and preparation for such professional certification exams such as the American Production and Inventory Control Society (APICS) and the Institute for Supply Management (ISM).
Mission Statement
The Logistics Program at Park University is dedicated to providing students the necessary tools and knowledge needed to broaden their horizons and add value to their careers in the competitive and increasingly complex business world.
Vision Statement
The Logistics Program at Park University strives to provide a superior academic experience in bridging the gap between the classroom and industry. The Program is committed to providing innovative educational opportunities for students as they prepare to enter careers within the global marketplace.