The Mada Maagarishtauo Awa Hee Aadsa Maa Aru Maa Giguckiigash (The ones that teach our children how everything on this earth works) program at NHSC prepares candidates to teach grades 1 through 6.
During their junior and senior years, candidates work as a cohort or learning community, taking courses together and interacting in a weekly teacher education seminar to build, reflect, and gain perspective on their experiences.
Continuance in Teacher Education
In order to continue in the teacher education program, the candidate must:
Maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 and earn a grade of a B or better in courses taken after admission to the program.
Exhibit suitable character and evidence of good conduct, physical and mental health.
Continue to obtain satisfactory recommendations from faculty, staff, and field experience supervisors.
Prepare to pass the Praxis II exams with a satisfactory score required by the state of North Dakota for Principles of Learning and Teaching and Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, Grades 1-6.
If requirements are not maintained, the Teacher Education Department and a committee consisting of faculty and staff may recommend probation or suspension from the program. Any such action would be reflected in a letter from the Teacher Education Department to the candidate.
Student Teaching
Student teaching is the concluding experience of the Teacher Education Program at Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College. It is completed during the candidate’s final semester and requires at least 16 full-time consecutive weeks. During this time, candidates apply what they have learned through their college coursework and field experiences. Student teaching allows the pre-service teachers a time to plan and carry out lessons that follow our four core merits: culture, constructivism, comprehension, and CREDE. They also use a variety of assessment techniques to determine the suitability of the lessons, success of instruction and understanding of their own students. During this time, it is expected that the pre-service teachers will experience and learn additional decision-making skills, instructional approaches, classroom management courses of action, and general competence.
Criteria for Graduation and Licensure Recommendation
The Teacher Education Department makes the recommendation for graduation and teacher licensure. In order to graduate and be endorsed for licensure, a candidate must meet the following requirements:
Cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better since admission to the Teacher Education Program.
Completion of all program requirements, as defined by the Teacher Education Department.
Successful student teaching experience.
Successful completion and presentation of an electronic portfolio.
Successful completion of Praxis I, Praxis II, and all ND licensure requirements.
The Registrar sends the application to the North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board (ESPB) for the issuance of a teaching license.
Credit Hours Required: 131-132
Our Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education Program, Mada Maagarishtauo Awa Hee Aadsa Maa Aru Maa Giguckiigash (The ones that teach our children how everything on this earthworks), became accredited with the North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board and the Higher Learning Commission in February 2011.