A World-Class MBA at Kennesaw State University
Insist on more from your executive MBA. Insist on more from yourself, the MBA you pursue, and the life you build. Coles College of Business offers our top ranked MBA for executives (the Coles Executive MBA) to meet the needs of experienced professionals who have a desire to thrive personally and professionally. Exploring our website will help you understand who we are, what makes us stand out, and why our students and alumni are fans.
Quick overview
Each year we admit two Executive MBA classes; an open-enrollment Executive MBA class directed to seasoned professionals from diverse backgrounds, institutions and professions and an AT&T EMBA class open to experienced professional employees of AT&T. Both program formats meet one-weekend a month (Saturday and Sunday), with some weekday work for special topic residencies. Students participate in team meetings and distance learning in between class sessions.
True MBA degree
Both program formats lead to the highly regarded, internationally accredited
MBA degree from Coles College of Business at Kennesaw State University. Attend an information session to learn more about the Coles difference and speak to faculty, staff and students.