American International Theism University offers accelerated degrees in four different disciplines that can be earned in one year. If you’re looking for a better career that will pay you a higher salary, you need to get a graduate-level education. Employers no longer care whether applicants have an Associate’s Degree or Bachelor’s Degree. They want to see that you have a Master’s Degree or Doctorate Degree before they even consider hiring you.
American International Theism University has something for everyone. With our Accelerated Degree Programs, you can complete your Master's or Doctorate Degrees in (or-less) one year. Each course is four credit hours and lasts for six weeks. Let your hard work and dedication pay off by achieving your degree in half the time.
Enrollment is open, and students may begin the program at any time. All courses are provided in online classrooms, with one-to-one faculty mentoring. Students also have free access to our comprehensive Study Tactics and Resources Center, with links to subject-related websites, online libraries, articles, and research assistance.
How to enroll
You must first complete an online application for your chosen degree program. Once your application is received, you will be emailed your “Welcome Letter” with full instructions for registering for a course or courses and entering a degree or certificate program. Your welcome letter will provide full information regarding any needed submissions of transcripts.
You may then register for the first course in your curriculum. Please refer to your degree curriculum for your first course and click on the link to the degree program you are officially enrolling in. Be sure to type in the course and course number that you are registering for into the registration form. You may then make a payment for your course. We offer a secure credit card server and accept all major credit cards.
There is a one-time admissions fee of $100.00 that is due at the time of payment for your first course.
There is no charge and no obligation when completing and submitting an application.
Once we have received a tuition payment, your enrollment will be immediately processed. You will receive an email that will be titled “New Student Notification” detailing your course or program, instructor, instructor contact information, and full instructions for accessing your classroom. At this point, you will be able to immediately commence courses or degree programs. We have an open enrollment policy, so that you may start at any time.