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58 Best Psychology Master's Degree Programs in Spain for 2024

Find the most comprehensive list of top Psychology Master's Degree programs in Spain for 2024. Our selection is tailored to help you excel in your chosen field with the best educational institutions.


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Master's Degree in Psychology and Consumer Behavior

EAE Business School Barcelona

logo EAE Business School Barcelona


Psychology, Marketing

Master's Degree

The Master in Psychology and Consumer Behavior of EAE has the objective of giving marketing professionals and entrepreneurs of new projects the right tools to understand the change in consumption, in society and in the economy from the perspective of the citizen he works and consumes, and finds in these two economic activities the centrality of his personal and social development. This understanding derives from the application in the phenomenon of consumption of various paradigms of the social sciences, from behavioral economics to psychoanalysis, through cognitive psychology and pure behavioral and situational analysis through the opportunities provided by the current availability of large masses of data about behavior.


1 Year

Master's Degree in Educational Psychology

Universidad de Murcia

logo Universidad de Murcia


Psychology, Education

Master's Degree

The objective of the Master is to equip students with the competences, skills and tools for professional and investigative practice, linked to the field of Educational Psychology.


1 Year

Master's Degree in Family Counseling, Counseling and Mediation

Universidad de Murcia

logo Universidad de Murcia


Social Work, Counseling Psychology, Marriage and Family Therapy

Master's Degree

The complex situation of families demands the existence of trained professionals for family counseling, counseling and mediation. The protection and promotion of the family is one of the great concerns of societies, which is why training initiatives arise at the university level where related disciplines are committed in the field of family counseling, counseling and mediation such as pedagogy, education , law, social education, law, anthropology, sociology, psychology.


1 Year

Master in Neuromarketing

Neuroscience Business School

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Neuroscience, Psychology, Marketing

Master's Degree

Master in Neuromarketing is aimed to help to understand better the consumer behaviour and and create products and servicies required by the market and incudes such disciplines as: Sensory Perception and Marketing, Marketing Keys , Market Research: Traditional Methods vs Neuromarketing, Offline VS Online Neuromarketing.

English, Spanish

1 Year

Master's Degree in Cognitive Neuroscience and Education

Universidad Camilo José Cela

logo Universidad Camilo José Cela
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Neuroscience, Psychology, Education

Master's Degree

Most of the master's degrees in neuroeducation in Spain are focused on neurodevelopmental disorders and learning difficulties and in the school setting (addressing only the most well-known disorders). From our point of view, it is necessary to start from the understanding of normal cognitive functioning to, from there, understand what the possible pathologies consist of.


1 Year

Master in Eating Disorders

Instituto Superior De Estudios Psicológicos ISEP

logo Instituto Superior De Estudios Psicológicos ISEP


Psychology, Health Sciences, Medicine

Master's Degree

Eating Disorders (TCA) have a multifactorial origin (genetic, psychological, sociocultural factors). In Spain, the latest studies coincide in indicating a prevalence rate of eating disorders in the adolescent population of around 4-4.5%. Although its degree of incidence and prevalence is increasing in both women and men, at different stages of life. The prevailing beauty models and social pressure regarding image are precipitating factors, but there are others that are predisposing. The Master in Eating Disorders responds to the need to train specialized professionals in this field and with a multidisciplinary approach. These are disorders that due to their severity and complexity require specific training, so the objective is to provide students with the technical and personal skills necessary for the evaluation, diagnosis, intervention and prevention of these disorders, mainly from a perspective cognitive-behavioral, to carry out an effective and responsible intervention.


1 Year

Master in Forensic Psychology

Instituto Superior De Estudios Psicológicos ISEP

logo Instituto Superior De Estudios Psicológicos ISEP
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Psychology, Criminology, Forensic Science

Master's Degree

The Master's Degree in Forensic Psychology provides the fundamental competences for the exercise of the profession of forensic psychologist in its expert role, as an expert or adviser to the jurist and judge in judicial processes. You will acquire the necessary tools and knowledge for the preparation of the forensic report in the different jurisdictions and its presentation before Courts and Tribunals.


1 Year

Master's Degree in Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology

Instituto Superior De Estudios Psicológicos ISEP

logo Instituto Superior De Estudios Psicológicos ISEP
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Psychology, Clinical Psychology

Master's Degree

The Master in Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology equips you with the technical and personal skills that every psychologist needs for the evaluation, diagnosis, recovery and prevention of disorders that affect the mental health of the child and adolescent population from a cognitive-behavioral orientation, with the maximum guarantees of success. With the ISEP master's degree you will acquire the essential skills for a comprehensive intervention in the case of intellectual disability in the case of intellectual disability and high abilities, learning disorders, drug addiction, autism spectrum disorder, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, elimination disorders, behavior, eating behavior, ADHD, communication disorders and even offers an approach to child neuropsychology to be able to recognize and describe possible brain injuries or dysfunctions.


1 Year

Master's degree in clinical and health psychology

Instituto Superior De Estudios Psicológicos ISEP

logo Instituto Superior De Estudios Psicológicos ISEP
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Psychology, Health Sciences

Master's Degree

The Master in Clinical and Health Psychology is a leading program in its field, which provides complete and comprehensive training in all aspects that affect clinical practice, 100% taught by active professional experts. The Master will provide you with the technical and personal skills necessary to develop an effective and responsible professional clinical practice. You will acquire sufficient clinical experience and obtain the essential theoretical-practical knowledge that allows you to address varied clinical cases with different degrees of complexity safely and effectively. Throughout the Master's degree, updated theoretical-clinical aspects are worked on and the application of different therapeutic strategies based on specific disorders is worked on.


2 Years

Master in Clinical Sexology and Couples Therapy

Instituto Superior De Estudios Psicológicos ISEP

logo Instituto Superior De Estudios Psicológicos ISEP
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Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Marriage and Family Therapy, Sexology

Master's Degree

The Master's Degree in Clinical Sexology and Couples Therapy starts from a solid scientific and multidisciplinary training on the different aspects of sexual dysfunctions that affect the human being and couple relationships from a biopsychosocial perspective.


2 Years

Master in Intervention in Learning Difficulties

Instituto Superior De Estudios Psicológicos ISEP

logo Instituto Superior De Estudios Psicológicos ISEP
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Psychology, Education, Special Education

Master's Degree

The Master in Intervention in Learning Difficulties, a benchmark in its area (with nearly 121 editions in the different ISEP headquarters) provides you with complete and comprehensive training on all aspects that affect educational intervention. Its objective is focused on the acquisition of adequate technical and personal skills for the development of an effective and responsible professional activity. His practical and applied approach to professional reality has led him to be considered, on numerous occasions, among the best masters in Spain. The professionals of the current educational system find themselves with a very heterogeneous student body with very different needs and difficulties. This master's degree offers you concrete answers to the main learning difficulties and disorders.


1 Year

Master in Therapeutic Psychopedagogy

Instituto Superior De Estudios Psicológicos ISEP

logo Instituto Superior De Estudios Psicológicos ISEP
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Psychology, Education

Master's Degree

The Master in Therapeutic Psychopedagogy offers concrete answers to new educational challenges. The interculturality in the classrooms and the inclusion of students with learning difficulties poses a new scenario in which the psycho-pedagogical professional is the key element to achieve a more inclusive and transversal educational system.


2 Years

Master in Autism Spectrum Disorder

Instituto Superior De Estudios Psicológicos ISEP

logo Instituto Superior De Estudios Psicológicos ISEP


Psychology, Special Education, Health Sciences

Master's Degree

The Master in Autistic Disorders provides knowledge and techniques in the following aspects: understanding of the disorders, knowledge of the early signs that lead to early detection, elements of action to reduce anxiety in the daily life of those affected, recognition of all the aspects that involve this disorder, and presentation of various therapeutic approaches. In the master's degree in autism, a methodology based on the resolution of practical cases will be used, in which specific cases of children and adults with autism spectrum disorders will be presented. Based on these cases, evaluation and intervention processes will have to be developed.


1 Year

Master in Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy

Instituto Superior De Estudios Psicológicos ISEP

logo Instituto Superior De Estudios Psicológicos ISEP
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Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Clinical Psychology

Master's Degree

The Master of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy aims to enable students to learn the appropriate technical and personal skills that every psychologist needs to develop an effective and responsible professional psychotherapeutic practice, under a cognitive behavioral approach.


1 Year 4 Months

Master in Neurodevelopment Disorders

Instituto Superior De Estudios Psicológicos ISEP

logo Instituto Superior De Estudios Psicológicos ISEP


Neuroscience, Psychology, Health Sciences, Medicine

Master's Degree

The Master in Neurodevelopmental Disorders trains qualified professionals, highly specialized in the diagnosis and therapeutic approach of the disorders that most commonly affect children. Likewise, it will offer its students exhaustive knowledge of the neurophysiological bases of human behavior, especially child behavior. This knowledge is oriented towards the development of clinical and therapeutic strategies aimed at dealing with the different disorders and problems, adjusted to each specific case and each particular situation.


1 Year

Master's Degree in Psychology and Consumer Behavior

EAE Madrid

logo EAE Madrid


Psychology, Business Administration, Marketing

Master's Degree

The Master's Degree in Consumer Psychology and Behavior at EAE Business School Madrid is designed so that you are able to apply all the knowledge of consumer behavior in the research and analysis that is carried out by a marketing department, focusing their needs on the central nucleus to have a good experience.


10 Months

International Master in Professional Soccer

Fivestars International Graduate School

logo Fivestars International Graduate School


Sports Psychology, Sports Management

Master's Degree

The International Master's Degree in Professional Soccer is focused on all students who want to be professionals in teaching, as well as in the physical preparation and psychology of this sport. It is a master's degree focused on the training of soccer players, in the analysis of the matches, in the creation of techniques and strategies, in the physical preparation of high-performance teams, in the direction of quarry methodology, in sports coordination, and in the management of academies and clubs. In this master's degree, the student will learn everything related to soccer techniques —including goalkeeping training—, psychological and motivational coach, and the functions of the scout, or match analyst/scout.


Master in Systemic Family Therapy

University Pontifica Comillas Faculty of Human and Social Sciences

logo University Pontifica Comillas Faculty of Human and Social Sciences


Psychology, Social Work, Counseling Psychology, Marriage and Family Therapy

Master's Degree

The Master in Systemic Family Therapy is a program aimed at understanding the human being as part of a system of relationships, in constant interaction and evolution. When intervening on any problem with children and adults, it is essential to have a broad vision that takes into account the mutual influence between the individual and the different systems of which they are part of that intervene in the problem: the current couple or family, the family of origin and extended family, the educational or work context, the health context, social services, etc. This master's degree has a clear professional orientation that enables the student to work in different intervention contexts (health, educational, social, etc.) serving individuals and/or their families from abroad and global understanding.


Master in Psychiatry and Forensic Psychology from the Postgraduate Institute of Mental Health (IPSM)

University Pontifica Comillas Faculty of Human and Social Sciences

logo University Pontifica Comillas Faculty of Human and Social Sciences


Psychology, Forensic Psychology, Medicine

Master's Degree

The Master in Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology organized by UNINPSI in collaboration with the Postgraduate Institute in Mental Health (IPSM) allows acquiring the necessary skills to perform the expert work in an optimal way. Students will learn to conduct an expert interview with adults and minors considering the field in which it is practiced: criminal, civil, family, work, etc., and to assess the credibility of the testimony and subsequent drafting of the corresponding expert report. In addition to the writing of reports, the student will learn to defend them in the courtroom, acquiring the feeling of security that this requires thanks to the great content of practical hours, both for viewing real trials and for simulations supervised by professionals of psychiatry and forensic psychology. , as well as lawyers and magistrates of recognized prestige. Within this practical orientation, the Specialist course in Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology offers personalized attention with tutorials and close supervision of tasks and work. Supervision by professionals of psychiatry and forensic psychology, lawyers, and magistrates Finally, it provides an integrative and multidisciplinary vision, being open to psychiatrists, psychologists with health training, and forensic doctors who want to acquire specialized training for their usual practice, considering this exchange necessary and enriching.


Master in General Health Psychology

University of Girona - Smart Healthcare Master

logo University of Girona - Smart Healthcare Master


Psychology, Health Sciences

Master's Degree

The masters have been conceived as applied, advanced, and specialised training in a body of conceptual, procedural, technical, and attitudinal knowledge, allowing professional development in the area of general health psychology, including clinical practice. The content of the course is also intended as basic and applied research training in the clinical sphere, as well as a means of advanced development for the critical and reflexive capacities which make for better professional practice. The masters qualify holders to practice as regulated professionals in general health psychology.


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Master's Degree, Psychology, Spain

A Master's Degree is a postgraduate academic degree awarded by universities or colleges upon completion of a specific course of study. It typically requires one to three years of full-time study and allows students to specialize in a particular field or area of interest, enhancing their knowledge and skills for career advancement.

Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior. It explores various aspects of human cognition, emotion, and behavior, aiming to understand and explain how individuals think, feel, and act. Psychologists apply their knowledge to a wide range of fields, including mental health, education, business, and social services.

In Spain, higher education is highly valued with a wide range of universities offering accredited degrees in various fields. Students can choose from prestigious institutions such as Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Universitat de Barcelona. The education system emphasizes research and innovation, making Spain an attractive destination for students seeking quality higher education.