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40 Best Education Master's Degree Programs in Spain for 2024

Find the most comprehensive list of top Education Master's Degree programs in Spain for 2024. Our selection is tailored to help you excel in your chosen field with the best educational institutions.


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Master in Human Resources and Development in English

EAE Madrid

logo EAE Madrid


Education, Business Administration, Human Resource Management, Organizational Leadership

Master's Degree

The Master in Human Resources and Talent Development trains you to lead decision-making, the incorporation and management of new technologies, talent development, team-building strategies, coaching and employer branding. Get a 360º view of Human Resource Management at a business school that will boost your career and pave the way for your future. This master's degree is taught in English.


10 Months

Interuniversity Master's Degree in Labor Orientation and Intermediation

Universidad de Murcia

logo Universidad de Murcia


Social Sciences, Education, Business

Master's Degree

The Master of Orientation and Job Intermediation is a pioneer in Spain, being only offered in a couple of universities so far. This is official, in addition to being interuniversity, since the two public universities in the Region of Murcia participate in it. The title is offered by the Faculty of Business of the Polytechnic University of Cartagena and by the Faculty of Labor Sciences of the Universidad de Murcia , although the teaching activities will be carried out in the facilities of the second on the Espinardo University Campus.


1 Year

PCEO Advanced Mathematics Masters and Teacher Training (Mathematics Specialty)

Universidad de Murcia

logo Universidad de Murcia


Mathematics, Education

Master's Degree

This joint plan has been designed by the Universidad de Murcia to enable students to obtain both degrees, achieving training in i) initiation of research in order to enter a PhD program later, ii) teacher training and iii) professional development.


1 Year 6 Months

Master's Degree in Educational Psychology

Universidad de Murcia

logo Universidad de Murcia


Psychology, Education

Master's Degree

The objective of the Master is to equip students with the competences, skills and tools for professional and investigative practice, linked to the field of Educational Psychology.


1 Year

Master's Degree in Bilingual Education

Universidad Nebrija

logo Universidad Nebrija
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Foreign Languages and Literatures, Education

Master's Degree

We train teaching professionals. This program Master's Degree in Bilingual Education responds to the need to train qualified professionals in compulsory non-university education, who need to strengthen their language competence and adapt to new social needs and the demands of both public and private bilingual education centers.


1 Year

Master's Degree in Management, Innovation and Leadership of Educational Centers

Universidad Camilo José Cela

logo Universidad Camilo José Cela
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Education, Management

Master's Degree

The UCJC Master's in Management, Innovation and Leadership of Educational Centers prepares future directors to become responsible, effective and culturally competent educational leaders


1 Year

Master's Degree in Cognitive Neuroscience and Education

Universidad Camilo José Cela

logo Universidad Camilo José Cela
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Neuroscience, Psychology, Education

Master's Degree

Most of the master's degrees in neuroeducation in Spain are focused on neurodevelopmental disorders and learning difficulties and in the school setting (addressing only the most well-known disorders). From our point of view, it is necessary to start from the understanding of normal cognitive functioning to, from there, understand what the possible pathologies consist of.


1 Year

Master in Neuroeducation and Capacity Optimization

Instituto Superior De Estudios Psicológicos ISEP

logo Instituto Superior De Estudios Psicológicos ISEP
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Neuroscience, Education

Master's Degree

Neuroeducation has transformed the training paradigm by incorporating and promoting the interdisciplinary integration of educational sciences with those that deal with studying the functioning of the brain. Thus, an unprecedented advance has been generated in the learning process, since they contribute to the empowerment of people's neurocognitive and emotional capacities. The presence of cognitive deficits in different neurological pathologies in childhood such as head injuries, tumors, etc., has led to a proliferation of different training courses in the neuropsychological field in recent times to try to alleviate these pathologies through the rehabilitation of functions, as well as the great variability of learning difficulties that we find in today's school. Likewise, there is currently a significant increase in clinical consultations of parents who bring their children with clinical and cognitive symptoms, on some occasions, and with the absence of it, on others, which incapacitates them for optimal educational development.


1 Year

Master in Intervention in Learning Difficulties

Instituto Superior De Estudios Psicológicos ISEP

logo Instituto Superior De Estudios Psicológicos ISEP
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Psychology, Education, Special Education

Master's Degree

The Master in Intervention in Learning Difficulties, a benchmark in its area (with nearly 121 editions in the different ISEP headquarters) provides you with complete and comprehensive training on all aspects that affect educational intervention. Its objective is focused on the acquisition of adequate technical and personal skills for the development of an effective and responsible professional activity. His practical and applied approach to professional reality has led him to be considered, on numerous occasions, among the best masters in Spain. The professionals of the current educational system find themselves with a very heterogeneous student body with very different needs and difficulties. This master's degree offers you concrete answers to the main learning difficulties and disorders.


1 Year

Master in Therapeutic Psychopedagogy

Instituto Superior De Estudios Psicológicos ISEP

logo Instituto Superior De Estudios Psicológicos ISEP
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Psychology, Education

Master's Degree

The Master in Therapeutic Psychopedagogy offers concrete answers to new educational challenges. The interculturality in the classrooms and the inclusion of students with learning difficulties poses a new scenario in which the psycho-pedagogical professional is the key element to achieve a more inclusive and transversal educational system.


2 Years

Master in Autism Spectrum Disorder

Instituto Superior De Estudios Psicológicos ISEP

logo Instituto Superior De Estudios Psicológicos ISEP


Psychology, Special Education, Health Sciences

Master's Degree

The Master in Autistic Disorders provides knowledge and techniques in the following aspects: understanding of the disorders, knowledge of the early signs that lead to early detection, elements of action to reduce anxiety in the daily life of those affected, recognition of all the aspects that involve this disorder, and presentation of various therapeutic approaches. In the master's degree in autism, a methodology based on the resolution of practical cases will be used, in which specific cases of children and adults with autism spectrum disorders will be presented. Based on these cases, evaluation and intervention processes will have to be developed.


1 Year

Master in Special Education

Instituto Superior De Estudios Psicológicos ISEP

logo Instituto Superior De Estudios Psicológicos ISEP
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Education, Special Education

Master's Degree

The current educational context requires professionals who can support students with special needs (Autism Spectrum Disorder, high abilities, intellectual disability, sensory or motor deficits, literacy difficulties, etc.) seeking their maximum integration. The Master in Special Education is designed for you to acquire the skills for early detection of learning difficulties and define, evaluate and develop intervention strategies and techniques. Likewise, it prepares you so that you can guide teaching teams of an educational center to respond to the needs of their students. Through different training itineraries, ISEP provides you with an exhaustive overview of the main learning difficulties and disorders, analyzing their causes in depth with the aim of addressing psycho-pedagogical care for children with difficulties.


2 Years

Master in Early Care

Instituto Superior De Estudios Psicológicos ISEP

logo Instituto Superior De Estudios Psicológicos ISEP


Education, Health Sciences

Master's Degree

The Master in Early Attention. Prevention, diagnosis and treatment delves into the basic aspects of child development, the importance of the family as a promoter and enabler of this development, the types of pathologies and alterations that can appear during this process and the ways to detect, diagnose and intervene in each case. The program prepares you to detect the possible risks of deficiencies early, as well as to carry out stimulation treatments for children under 6 years of age who suffer from a developmental disorder or are at risk of suffering from it, in order to achieve their maximum physical and mental development. And social.


1 Year

Master in Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign/Second language

Universitat Rovira i Virgili

logo Universitat Rovira i Virgili


Foreign Languages and Literatures, Education

Master's Degree

The Master’s Degree in English Language Teaching aims to train professionals to teach English for both general and specific purposes.


1 Year

Master in Educational Research

Universidad de Alicante

logo Universidad de Alicante



Master's Degree

Students will acquire advanced training in educational research while learning to act in accordance with the ethical codes governing scientific research established by professional associations within the international educational community, endeavoring to promote positive social action as regards non-discrimination and the democratization of knowledge.


1 Year

Master in English And Spanish for Specific Purposes

Universidad de Alicante

logo Universidad de Alicante


Foreign Languages and Literatures, Education

Master's Degree

The Masters offers the most innovative training and research in Applied Linguistics, Computational Linguistics, Forensic Linguistics, and the use of ICTs for research in Linguistics.

English, Spanish

1 Year

Master's Degree in Specific Educational Support Needs

Universidade de Vigo

logo Universidade de Vigo


Education, Special Education

Master's Degree

This is a professionalizing Master's Degree that will mean a path of specialization for different graduates (teachers, pedagogues, psychologists, educational psychologists, etc.) who intend to dedicate themselves to the broad field of Attention to Educational Needs, allowing them to broaden and deepen their knowledge, strategies, procedures and attitudes for Special Education. It will try to respond both to the demand for initial training of new graduates in Primary or Early Childhood Education, as well as to the ongoing training needs of current teaching and school guidance professionals in practice.


2 Years

Master's Degree in Research and Innovation in Specific Didactics for Early Childhood and Primary Education

Universidade de Vigo

logo Universidade de Vigo



Master's Degree

This master's degree is configured as a specialization of the degrees and masters taught in the Faculties of Educational Sciences of Galicia. The implementation proposal for the 2018-19 academic year would give continuity, on the one hand, to undergraduate studies, so that students opt for greater specialization and/or want to complete their training with the completion of a doctoral thesis. It could also accommodate professionals who come from the old Teaching degrees, and who could expand and improve their knowledge in the context of their training as teachers.


2 Years

Master in Multidisciplinary Intervention in Diversity in Educational Contexts

Universidade de Vigo

logo Universidade de Vigo


Social Sciences, Education

Master's Degree

Living with diversity, and above all learning from and with it, is a necessary requirement for the harmonious development of today's societies. The master's degree arises from the verification that in educational settings, both formal and non-formal, this diversity is present.


2 Years

Master in Early Care

ISEB - Instituto Superior Europeo de Barcelona

logo ISEB - Instituto Superior Europeo de Barcelona
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Education, Health Sciences

Master's Degree

The Master in Early Care aims to train experts in the early care of the child population, providing you with the necessary tools to detect the possible socio-educational needs of boys and girls. Through continuous training, you will be able to diagnose and intervene in each specific case, allowing the minor to develop their full potential.


1 Year

1-20 su 40

Master's Degree, Education, Spain

A Master's Degree is a postgraduate academic degree awarded by universities or colleges upon completion of a specific course of study. It typically requires one to three years of full-time study and allows students to specialize in a particular field or area of interest, enhancing their knowledge and skills for career advancement.

The field of Education focuses on the theory and practice of teaching and learning. Students in this field explore topics such as educational psychology, curriculum development, and classroom management. Graduates can pursue careers as teachers, school administrators, educational consultants, or curriculum developers.

In Spain, higher education is highly valued with a wide range of universities offering accredited degrees in various fields. Students can choose from prestigious institutions such as Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Universitat de Barcelona. The education system emphasizes research and innovation, making Spain an attractive destination for students seeking quality higher education.