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81 Best Second cycle Master's Degree Programs for 2024

Browse our comprehensive list of the 81 best Second cycle Master's Degree programs offered in 2024, meticulously curated to help you find the perfect fit for your academic goals and career aspirations.


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Master's Degree in Performing Arts and Multimedia Production

Università di Padova

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Film Studies

Second cycle Master's Degree

The Master's Degree in Performing Arts and Multimedia Production delves into the theory and practice of performing arts and multimedia production. Students study theater, cinema, television, music, and new media, exploring digital technologies and production techniques. They acquire skills in managing artistic projects, audiovisual production, cultural marketing, and event management. The program integrates theory with practical experiences to prepare professionals capable of innovating and managing in cultural and entertainment contexts.


2 Years

Master's Degree in Landscape Sciences

Università di Padova

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Second cycle Master's Degree

The Master's Degree in Landscape Sciences deepens the interdisciplinary study of planning and management of natural and urban landscapes. Students explore landscape ecology, urban design, conservation of natural resources, and environmental assessment. They acquire advanced skills in spatial analysis, land planning, and sustainable resource management. The program integrates theory with practical experiences in the laboratory and in the field, preparing professionals capable of promoting the aesthetic, ecological, and social quality of the landscape.


2 Years

Master's Degree in Archival and Library Science

Università di Padova

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Second cycle Master's Degree

The Master's Degree in Archival and Library Science delves into the management and preservation of archival and library collections. Students study cataloging, digitization, document management, and preventive conservation. They acquire advanced skills in document research, cultural policies, and information technologies. The program integrates theory with practical experiences in archives and libraries, preparing professionals capable of preserving and enhancing cultural heritage through innovation and efficient management of documentary resources.


2 Years

Master's Degree in Archaeological Sciences

Università di Padova

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Second cycle Master's Degree

The Master's Degree in Archaeological Sciences deepens the study of archaeology through advanced research methodologies, artifact analysis, and historical contextualization. Students explore prehistory, classical and medieval archaeology, and excavation and restoration techniques. They acquire skills in managing archaeological sites, conserving cultural heritage, and interdisciplinary research. The program integrates theory with practical field and laboratory experiences to train professionals capable of contributing to the discovery, interpretation, and enhancement of evidence from the past.


2 Years

Master's Degree in Art History

Università di Padova

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Art History

Second cycle Master's Degree

The Master's Degree in Art History delves into the critical and analytical study of artworks, artistic movements, and their historical and cultural contextualizations. Students explore ancient, medieval, modern, and contemporary art history, aesthetic theories, and research methodologies. They acquire skills in art criticism, curation, museum management, and cultural promotion. The program integrates theory with practical experiences in galleries, museums, and research projects to train experts capable of interpreting and enhancing the global artistic heritage.


2 Years

Master's Degree in Tourism, Culture, and Sustainability

Università di Padova

logo Università di Padova



Second cycle Master's Degree

The Master's Degree in Tourism, Culture, and Sustainability delves into the sustainable management of cultural and touristic resources. Students study tourism development, cultural heritage management, sustainability policies, and environmental impacts. They acquire advanced skills in tourism marketing, territorial planning, and cultural promotion. The program integrates theory with practical experiences in sustainable development projects and tourism management, preparing professionals capable of promoting responsible tourism, heritage conservation, and the balanced development of local communities.


2 Years

Master's Degree in Management Engineering

Università di Padova

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Second cycle Master's Degree

The Master's Degree in Management Engineering integrates engineering skills with managerial ones to optimize business and industrial processes. Students study data analysis, production management, logistics, and business strategies. They acquire advanced skills in industrial optimization, project management, and information technologies applied to business management. The program combines theory with practical experiences in companies and laboratories, preparing professionals capable of improving operational efficiency, reducing costs, and developing competitive strategies in the global industrial and business context.


2 Years

Master's Degree in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology

Università di Padova

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Second cycle Master's Degree

The Master's Degree in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology deepens the study of chemical sciences applied to the production and technology of drugs. Students explore pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutical biotechnologies, drug formulation, and quality control. They acquire advanced skills in molecular synthesis, pharmaceutical analysis, and pharmaceutical sector regulation. The program integrates theory with practical experiences in pharmaceutical laboratories and industries, preparing professionals for roles in research and development, production, quality control, and regulation in the pharmaceutical and biotechnological sectors.


2 Years

Master's Degree in Health Biology

Università di Padova

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Second cycle Master's Degree

The Master's Degree in Health Biology deepens the study of human biology applied to health and medicine. Students explore medical microbiology, immunology, medical genetics, and health biotechnologies. They acquire advanced skills in molecular diagnostics, biomedical research, and advanced therapies. The program integrates theory with practical experiences in research laboratories and healthcare facilities, preparing professionals for careers in medical research, pharmaceutical industry, medical biotechnologies, and public and private healthcare sectors.


2 Years

Master's Degree in Bioengineering

Università di Padova

logo Università di Padova



Second cycle Master's Degree

The Master's Degree in Bioengineering focuses on the application of engineering principles to biological and biomedical systems. Students study biomechanics, biomaterials, medical imaging, and tissue engineering. They acquire advanced skills in designing and developing medical devices, computational modeling, and biotechnologies applied to health. The program integrates theory with hands-on laboratory experiences and clinical internships, preparing professionals for roles in biomedical research, biotechnological industry, and the development of innovative technologies for the healthcare sector.


2 Years

Master's Degree in Mechatronic Engineering

Università di Padova

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Mechanical Engineering

Second cycle Master's Degree

The Master's Degree in Mechatronic Engineering integrates advanced knowledge of mechanical, electronic, and computer engineering for the design and development of advanced systems. Students study robotics, industrial automation, sensors and actuators, and embedded systems. They acquire skills in automatic control, integration of multidisciplinary systems, and design of intelligent machines. The program includes practical experiences in the laboratory and applied projects, preparing professionals for careers in sectors such as industrial automation, advanced robotics, the automotive industry, and the production of medical and technological devices.


2 Years

Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering

Università di Padova

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Mechanical Engineering

Second cycle Master's Degree

The Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering deepens the study of the fundamental principles of engineering applied to the design, production, and management of mechanical systems. Students study applied mechanics, advanced materials, fluid dynamics, and control systems. They acquire advanced skills in computer-aided design (CAD), structural analysis, and industrial automation. The program integrates theory with practical experiences in laboratories and research projects, preparing professionals for careers in manufacturing industries, automotive, aerospace, and other advanced engineering applications.


2 Years

Master's Degree in Civil Engineering

Università di Padova

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Second cycle Master's Degree

The Master's Degree in Civil Engineering deepens the study of structures, infrastructures, and civil systems. Students explore structural materials, geotechnics, hydraulic engineering, and transportation. They acquire advanced skills in designing public works, managing seismic risk, and environmental sustainability. The program integrates theory with practical experiences through laboratories, construction projects, and internships in professional firms. Graduates find employment as civil engineers, structural designers, construction site managers, and consultants in sectors such as public infrastructure, construction, transportation, and environmental protection.


2 Years

Master's Degree in Civil and Industrial Safety Engineering

Università di Padova

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Second cycle Master's Degree

The Master's Degree in Civil and Industrial Safety Engineering focuses on the design and management of safety systems for the protection of people, infrastructure, and the environment. Students study seismic risk, fires, industrial safety, and emergency management. They acquire advanced skills in risk assessment, safety regulations, and civil protection techniques. The program integrates theory with practical experiences through simulations, applied projects, and internships in companies and public entities. Graduates become qualified professionals for roles as civil and industrial safety engineers, consultants for emergency management, and security executives in sectors such as industry, critical infrastructure, and environmental protection.


2 Years

Master's Degree in Product Innovation Engineering

Università di Padova

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Second cycle Master's Degree

The Master's Degree in Product Innovation Engineering focuses on the design and development of innovative products. Students study advanced design methodologies, production technologies, innovative materials, and product lifecycle management. They acquire skills in market analysis, prototype development, and innovation process management. The program integrates theory with practical experiences through applied research projects, collaborations with companies, and prototyping laboratories. Graduates find employment as product development engineers, research and development managers, innovation managers, and consultants for technological innovation in sectors such as manufacturing, automotive, and advanced technologies.


2 Years

Master's Degree in Rehabilitative Sciences of Healthcare Professions

Università di Padova

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Health Education

Second cycle Master's Degree

The Master's Degree in Rehabilitative Sciences of Healthcare Professions is an advanced program that delves into rehabilitation and functional recovery in the healthcare field. The program includes the study of physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, audiology, and other rehabilitative disciplines. Students acquire practical skills through clinical internships, advanced laboratories, and research projects. The course prepares graduates for careers as physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, audiologists, or researchers in the rehabilitation sector, contributing to improving the quality of life of patients through targeted rehabilitative interventions.


2 Years

Master's Degree in Health Professions Sciences of Prevention

Università di Padova

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Health Sciences

Second cycle Master's Degree

The Master's Degree in Health Professions Sciences of Prevention is an advanced educational path focused on disease prevention and health promotion. The program includes the study of epidemiology, hygiene, nutrition, health promotion, health education, and prevention program management. Students acquire practical skills through internships, research projects, and simulations. The course prepares graduates for careers as public health professionals, public health consultants, prevention program managers, or researchers, contributing to the promotion and protection of community health through effective preventive strategies.


2 Years

Master's Degree in Nursing and Obstetric Sciences

Università di Padova

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Second cycle Master's Degree

The Master's Degree in Nursing and Obstetric Sciences deepens the advanced skills necessary for nursing and obstetric practice. The program includes in-depth study of advanced nursing care, critical patient management, healthcare leadership, nursing research, advanced obstetrics, and maternal-child care. Students acquire practical skills through clinical internships, advanced simulations, and research projects. The course prepares graduates for roles such as specialized nurses, midwives, healthcare managers, public health consultants, or researchers, contributing to the improvement of healthcare quality and patient well-being.


2 Years

Master's Degree in Applied Cognitive Psychology

Università di Padova

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Second cycle Master's Degree

The Master's Degree in Applied Cognitive Psychology deepens the study of theories and practical applications of cognitive psychology. The program includes advanced study of perception, attention, memory, language, thinking, and problem-solving. Students acquire practical skills through research laboratories, applied projects, and internships. The course prepares graduates for careers as applied psychologists, consultants in educational and business settings, researchers in cognitive psychology, or experts in designing and evaluating psychological interventions, contributing to the improvement of cognitive abilities and individual and organizational well-being.


2 Years

Master's Degree in Neuroscience and Neuropsychological Rehabilitation

Università di Padova

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Second cycle Master's Degree

The Master's Degree in Neuroscience and Neuropsychological Rehabilitation deepens the study of the nervous system and its dysfunctions, focusing on the rehabilitation of neuropsychological disorders. The program includes advanced study of neuroscience, clinical neuropsychology, neuropsychological diagnosis, cognitive therapy, and neuroplasticity. Students acquire practical skills through clinical internships, research laboratories, and rehabilitation projects. The course prepares graduates for careers as clinical neuropsychologists, rehabilitation therapists, neuroscience researchers, or consultants in rehabilitation centers, contributing to improving the quality of life of patients with neurological and neuropsychological disorders.


2 Years

1-20 su 81

Second cycle Master's Degree

Laurea Magistrale is an Italian academic degree awarded after completing a 2-year specialized master's program. It provides in-depth knowledge and expertise in a specific field, preparing students for advanced careers or further academic research. This degree is highly respected in Italy and recognized internationally for its quality and rigor.