The Pre-Medical Sciences emphasis at Western Wyoming Community College is designed for students seeking transfer to a 4-year university to continue education in health-related fields, including pre-dentistry, pre-medicine, pre-physical therapy, and pre-veterinary medicine. The Pre-Medical Sciences is one of several majors at Western, including Biology Sciences, Chemistry, and Exercise Science, that give the student a solid foundation for transfer to a 4-year program and eventual acceptance into a health professional program. Today, most colleges do not have a "pre-med" major and require a student to select a specific major such as Biology, Physiology, or Chemistry. Exercise Science is a closely related major and works well with most Pre-Medical career paths and is a great compliment to a student who wants to pursue Physical Therapy or Sports Medicine.
The admission and program requirements at the institution to which the student wishes to transfer vary significantly. Students should select their coursework and major area of study best to fit their educational goals and target institutions' requirements.
A degree in Pre-Medical Sciences from Western Wyoming Community College provides the dedicated student with a strong scientific background and the tools necessary to pursue a degree in professions in the health sciences successfully. The program is designed as a stepping stone. While not directly preparing students for employment, it will equip students with a foundation to pursue employment in health science areas, including a medical doctor, physical therapist, dentist, and veterinarian.