Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM) has earned both national and international recognition. More than just a school, GEM represents an open-ended laboratory through which 8,000 students and 500 employees learn and work every day to solve complex problems and overcome major challenges for business and society.
Founded in Grenoble, a city of science and technology, our school has greatly developed its expertise in the management of technology and innovation—an expertise that is now the foundation of our brand’s excellence and international renown.
By developing its own educational model, GEM has become a center for experimentation, study and creation. The school offers 50 educational programs in French and English that cover all levels of study from undergraduate to graduate, doctoral and continuing education. Students can take part in programs delivered in Grenoble, Paris, Berlin, Singapore, Moscow, Georgia, or Casablanca.
As an institution for higher education (EESC) affiliated with the Grenoble Chamber of Commerce and Industry, GEM is a founding member of the GIANT Innovation Campus in Grenoble. The school is accredited by AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA and member of the French “Conférence des Grandes Ecoles”. Its programs are regularly ranked by major international economic newspapers and magazines.
Our Mission
Through our expertise in Management of technology and innovation, our close link with our territory and ecosystem, and our capacity to anticipate and accompany transitions, we are using education and research to provide responses to the great challenges of the 21st century and therefor contribute to a world that is more just, more peaceful and more responsible
At GEM, we unite technology, innovation and society to train leaders and managers to act in a rapidly changing world. Through a collaborative effort, we promote skills and knowledge to match the challenges of the 21st century.